Shemp Marx

Ugh. I kinda like PD, (and it's certainly miles better than LXG), but that show really doesn't know how to shift tone effectively. There's also a lot of filler for a premium cable series.

It's a long blouse. This ain't rocket science.

I dunno. Billo's really just a grandpa with a teevee audience. He did his time in the trenches as a presenter and was eventually rewarded with his own show where he could do his own thing, like a crappier version of Tom Brokaw, so he's about as legit and mainstream as these right-wing demagogues go.

The invisible hand of the free market is the dawn crowd outside Walmart on Black Friday.

The problem with having to rely on the crutch of false equivalence for so long is that you inevitably get high on your own supply.

You joke, but a lot of these morons think they're punk rock, power to the people, sticking it to the man kind of guys.

He contains multitudes.

Plus they always whine about how the mainstream media are 'silent' whenever a supposed leftist like Maher or Colbert does something beyond the pale, which isn't remotely close to being true.

I'm with you. Hannity has always been too earnest to be punchable. I just want him to go away.

Sorry dude, organic chemistry is crazy hard. Almost no one has mastery over that shit.

I almost feel sorry for Hannity. Just a couple of years ago, he could count on literally no one paying attention to him except for his audience because all the air was being sucked out of the room thanks to the outsized egos of Ailes, O'Reilly and Beck. Now that those three got cleared away, it's like he's got no

Hammocks are horizontal, and have at least two connection points. the pods were vertical and hung from one point.

Yeah, that's the saddest part about Covenant: it's outshined in almost every single department by Prometheus.

Yeah that bugged me too, especially since the Covenant's cryo-pods were apparently made out of wood and napalm.

"Yeah, you're right! Bishop should go!"

That reminds me, when the fuck is s3 of Rick & Morty coming out?

That's a little weird, since I spent a good chunk of the 80s surrounded by Public Enemy paraphernalia in high school.

I'd rather watch Resurrection than Covenant, honestly. Not counting the AVP films, it was the worst of the series IMO. Hell, it's probably in the running for worst Ridley Scott movie.

Apart from some weak CGI effects, the movie still holds up.