Shemp Marx

Do continue.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but no matter the size, they're gonna have an uphill fight since there's not a dozen rich foundations pouring money into them like with the Tea Party.

Because a not insignificant portion of the media kept hammering the idea that Obama had added more debt than all the previous presidents combined as well as throwing away as many american jobs as possible, neither of which were true?

Which is a pointless argument, since most of them, if polled, would be happy with a system where ERs can turn away people for financial reasons.

I never understood how Colbert's comments were homophobic. "Cock Holster" is an all genders epithet.

I dunno, Walsh gives Bryant a nice, hard callous edge which does its own little bit of world building.

"But that dumptruck was full of money!"

Ya know, Tommorowland is not unfixable. A few script tweaks, a slightly more serious tone and (I can't believe I'm saying this, but) ditch Hugh Laurie and you'd have a much improved film. It still won't be great, but it would be something you could rewatch when it popped up on TV.

It is relevant since there are major differences between the original Heritage Foundation Plan and what Obama eventually signed into law.

Care to expound on that? Comments here don't cost by the word…

Boots. It's really that simple.

*Newt Gingrich angrily crumples up a copy of 'Contract With America', drops it, and slowly walks away.*

That's like saying Die Hard was originally a Frank Sinatra movie: Technically true, but mostly irrelevant.

You could save 15 bucks and go spend time among fellow humans and learn the same lesson.

To be fair, Claremont does get his fair share of the credit for essentially creating the modern X-Men, which a) Wolverine is just one part of, and b) is a much bigger accomplishment than just being the major creative force behind one (albeit super-popular) superhero.

Heeyyy man, have you ever tried the Fast and the Furious…in space?

Gods yes.

The media and the GOP will still crucify you. And, judging by the recent election, a good chunk of your own side will crucify you too.

That's…a pretty low bar you got there.

Sounds like good advice. Thanks!