Shemp Marx

I am tired of this "destruction porn" label. It's like 9/11 never happened.

If that were the original argument, sure, but this is the subthread where someone got called a crazy person for a well thought out post.

Well, there are different rules if you're a Republican. You can call half the country traitors, un-American, communists and the like for over 50 years and that's viewed as manly.

Well, yeah. But that wasn't the question I was answering.

I'd pay a tidy sum to learn what Robert Duvall's thoughts were at that precise moment.

The kind of person who has to look into the eyes of the only person he loved (and lost, twice) every single day?

I read this in Pete Campbell's voice.

LOL, been there, done that (probably the only Whitesnake song I can tolerate, actually.)

Yeah, but as much as you want to, you can't ignore that 27% because then you get crucified for not "speaking to all Americans" and the media will write a hundred bland thinkpieces on the concept of inclusiveness and the wonders of democracy.

Yeah, as soon as I wrote that, my brain farted out "Heart, you dumbass!". Having said that, I'd argue that most of what they took from Led Zeppelin was the energy, because heir sound shows all different kinds of influences (and then of course, you've got their 80s output.

Really? I never got the impression that any particular 70s or 80s band really tried to emulate them in any way. Or maybe they tried and weren't up to the task.

That's fine, we'll just use 80s Aeromsith. Or 90s Aerosmith. Or turn of the century Aersomith. Any one will do.

"By the way if anyone here is a globalist…kill yourself. It’s
just a little thought; I’m just trying to plant seeds. Maybe one day
they’ll take root – I don’t know. You try, you do what you can."

For a basic lager, you could do worse. But it's still a a basic lager.

Republicans have had a long line in "governement is haaaard" whining. That's what happens when your ideological core is built on denying the jobs you do are worth anything.

We don't need another guitar hero.

That's cuz we're in the darkest one.

He's the new Ben Affleck. Channing Tatum's the new Brad Pitt.

Perhaps, but I remember my blood boiling a little when the (very American) voice cast was announced. Also, we'd just had Darjeeling, so I knew Anderson wasn't invincible.

It's all relative. Everybody needs a mudsill theory to keep the proles in line.