Shemp Marx

Because Hollywood's adaptional track record is abysmal?

Wait, what? I know I moved out of London in the late 90s, so I may have missed something, but isn't that area all yuppie apartments now?


Love it, too. And I went in ready to hate it as I loved the book as a kid.

You've accidentally summed up why Neuromancer would make an awful film - it's a fairly bland heist movie. What makes the story work is all stuff that works great as prose but would be a pain to film and make engaging.

Gibson's been writing noir pretty much his whole career. But because it's got computers and shit in it, it belongs in a lower literary circle for whatever fucking reasons.


I always preferred WUXTRY! myself.

Hey, I can only do so much with the material I'm given.

Breaking: Feckless morons are feckless.

Breaking: Huge pop stars employ artifice as part of their careers.

Tom Brokaw could be on fire and I wouldn't piss on him.

Yeah, the problem with TWINE (huh), is mostly in the execution. There's a solid Bond movie underneath. Also, still better than the one with Jonathan Pryce.

Be polite: Yes, please.

Yeah. It might be a great film, but it's still QT doing someone else's material, and that's always going to land it at the bottom of the pile for me. Also, how do you waste a SLJ and DeNiro pairing? I know Bobby was well into his slumming phase, but damn.

You laugh, but I wasn't much older than that when I started realizing how stacked the deck was against women.

Philadelphia was shite from the get go. And I'm still a bit pissed about Hanks' Oscar, seeing as his main job in the movie was to wear more and more complex makeup/wig combos as the movie dragged on. If anyone should have won an award, it should have been Denzel. Great, non-flashy performance and a nice, subtle


I don't think that's quite right. He's certainly the protagonist, but by the end of the movie he's managed to fuck up both the relationship with Adams and driven off his best friend (and creative partner), and nothing in the text suggests that it's not his fault.

You want it it to be one way. But it's the other way.