Shemp Marx

You can buy some at the gas station on the way home?

Not to mention, as "bad" as his acting is, it's way better than anyone had a right to expect.

BO's got no constituency. The hardcore 27% excommunicated him like a decade ago, and everyone else under 65 barely know the guy exists. I'm fairly certain he's going to retire and pen some more trashy books.

No one cared who I was until I took a nap.

Congrats, you're a triple moron!

Wrong again. Care to go for the trifecta?

There's your problem: Putting boundaries and labels on art.

You dun messed up, twice. The only person to mention Americans in this thread is you. I guess you just assumed that no other country in the world makes historical epics, huh?

"Why would he want to get up in front of people and say such a thing?"

No, it's wrong. One of the best parts of marriage for me was being able to hand over all kinds of responsibilities I was either horrible at or just plain didn't like (and vice-versa). For example, I do all the grocery shopping and most of the cooking, my wife handles all manner of pointless social crap and both of

Zod, you magnificent bastard! I read your book!

Yeah, but that shit is rooted in actual history and has repercussions, themes and even ancestors that are relevant to modern humans. Even if they are doomed, their story leads somewhere, namely to us.

So what you're saying is that, at worst, you'll be Hollywood Ugly? Yeah, that… doesn't suck.

Shit, try to explain humans at only the cellular level. Fucking easier to say Yahweh took a pottery class.

Because I was LOADED, OK?!?

As a Dr. Pepper fanatic, I can attest that Mr. Pibb is damn good.

Yeah, that's how I feel about Eric Clapton.

A few years back, I teased a U.S. acquaintance, who I knew was Republican, about how she was enjoying Obama. She went from zero to birther in under five seconds. Nowadays I keep my mouth shut until I know exactly who I'm dealing with.


I'm with you, and have been for a long time, but when I was much younger, I felt like it was a lot easier to kid yourself, to think there was a point in the future where we could round up the last few remaining assholes onto their own comfy little nature preserve and study them before extinction.