Shemp Marx

Is it worth mentioning in our cuckservative times that quite a large percentage of regular humans would fail a Voight-Kampf test?

There's your problem: When an artist reminds you of better artists, why not just listen to the better artist and save some time?

The Sydney fight is full on daylight, no rain.

Like the one in Sydney? Or the one where Mako Mori is a little kid?


Well, the US military has always been about quantity, not quality. Nothing new there.

Well yeah, that was my whole point. I don't think he even scored any casualties.

No, but he'll get the same effect, since the Syrians were tipped off by the Russians, who were themselves tipped off out of courtesy of not wanting dead Russian soldiers on the news, so 100 mil was spent turning a runway into rubble. Keeping everything on a backlot would have been cheaper.

I don't get Fark. It's a site that does absolutely nothing anyone else isn't doing, except for clamping down hard on swearing.

Still a more coherent timeline than where the X-Men franchise currently sits.


Yeah, all of this. I was in the middle of my teenage years when this came on, and at first, it was a breath of fresh air, but it never went anywhere. I don't think I watched past the second season and was amazed to discover it was still on the air years later.

Speaking from experience, heavy drinking is practically a virtue if you're Catholic.

Alex P. Keaton is on the cover of AARP. Get off my lawn, sonny!

It's a little more than fine, considering they managed to make a budget scifi actioner that looks great, as well as it being a beloved comic book adaption that manages to work on screen without shitting all over the source material. That may be just fine to you, but that shit is still pretty rare.

Guuurl, I love you as Cersei, but your performance as Ma Ma was fucking terrifying.

FWIW, the very brief snippet of a White Zombie song in the movie was enough to make me seek them out. Thanks, Rob Scheider!

Well, they weren't really my focus, you know? I was busy using Napster to download impossible to find content (and discovering new stuff), but Limp Bizkit was always around, thanks to my Gen X peer group.

"You don't come here for the hunting, do you?"

You've just described Art.