Shemp Marx

"The new comment section died on its way to its home planet."

Milo got fired. They're still in the process of finding a replacement.

Only one way to find out…

That would only encourage them to become reliant on the state, forever gobbling up welfare. And the banks already do that, so we're good, thanks!

FWIW, The Xbox division is one of the big money makers for Microsoft.

Nerds ruin everything.

You summed up my feelings about The Grand Tour quite nicely.

Been a regular smoker for 20 years and yeah, the smell is not the greatest. Depends on the batch you get, though, so some tokes are better than others.

I can't see this movie being longer than that sequence, so I'm good to go.

Her gams.

There are two of us! Two!

It can be two things.

You are correct. I do have something better to do than deal with someone who's going to project all their failings on me.

I quoted your words to you to show you how you changed the goalposts mid argument, have plainly stated my position on the question you keep asking me, and been insulted by you twice now, and I'm the troll?

I "closed" with your words becoming mine? How does that even work?

If it's clear that I disagree that larger platform means better recruitment, you'll have no problem pointing out out where I said that.

you also just exactly agreed with me that young conservatives are being given a voice

Two problems with that argument: One, they didn't magically appear, they just got bigger megaphones thanks to the internet. Two, the kind of "trollbro" that voted for Trump "for the lulz" was never going to vote for Hillary in the first place (and would rarely vote/vote Dem anyway.)

Upvoted for differentiating between Civil Wars.

No true. Clinton won young voters by a significant majority. Slightly less than Obama, but then again, all her results were slightly less than Obama…