Shemp Marx

Yup. But millenial grandparents won't think same-sex marriage is wrong. We're making progress, it's just fucking slow and sometimes has fits of moving in the wrong direction for a while.

Actually, waiting for them to die off has always been a part of the solution. The older you are, the more you skew conservative.

"There are a lot of mathematics teachings related to understanding the
Cartesian plane in terms of the directions and dimensions of the clock

Fuck, I really need to get round to watching that show;.

Call me when that guy can sing, live, and switch between characters in the same phrase.

Same here. As a teenager, I looked like Howdy Doody come to life and now I look like Alan Moore's younger brother.

About as sad as youngsters not knowing how to crank start a car?

Chapter Four: My Legs Are Tired.

But her Death Star plans…

"The media is widely not respected or trusted in this country (for good reason)."

That would be boring.

That would be boring.

No, I'm just comfortable with higher levels of maintenance. No risk, no reward.

Heh, I ended up marrying her…

No, you're Hicks. He's Hudson…

Same here, except I'll give a pass to anyone roughly under the age of 35, because the rest of us damn well know this guy's been joke since the 80s.

Which answer do you want, the technically correct one, or the "you're making a mountain out of a molehill" one?

Good thing you're the only who's done that so far then.

Jesus fuck that sounds like a ridiculous amount of work. Imagine if you could channel that energy in an even remotely useful way.

Spirograph Batman is the best…drawn Batman.