Shemp Marx

No matter your view on JASBSB, it's still amazing that Miramar gave Smith 20 million to make a movie exclusively for the fandom.

Plus Michael Ironside is fucking awesome in it, so there's that.

Fried Chicken.

And this is why Queen is the goddamn best. They wrote not one, but two awesome film soundtracks.

Yeah, the GrimDark aesthetic is only appealing when you don't have the real thing barreling towards you.

STP is my favourite grungy lube.

"Marvel fanboys collapsing in tears"

*Bill Bixby moons you from the passenger seat of a passing car*

There's a story arc in the Hitman comic where they have to fight and kill an entire Zoo's worth of animals. Still one of the funniest things I've ever read.

Which, frankly is how the Senate should work. The problem comes in when the Dems have a majority and play by all the arcane Senate rules in order to not look like bullies.

I used to think that myself, but it sounds like an awful lot of work. Easier and more fun to eat like a glutton and get laid a lot.

Came to here to post just this. The makeup work in the first film is great, which made the shitty work in this sequel really hard to understand.

This happened, however briefly, in The Heat. McCarthy held her own IMO.

You don't need to "hear" from a corporate overlord for them to control what happens in their media org.

"Dune isn't a great hero's journey story." Are you serious right now? A coven of witches have spent millennia trying to breed the perfect human, it happens right under their noses and they miss it completely. This human then gets thrust into a major feudal realignment AND a local prophecy/movement. He spends a

Well, the first book certainly is. Anyway, that's not my point. My point is there's plenty of material that's dead easy to adapt and use as a hook to keep viewers interested and engaged while still doing all the weirder stuff.

While all this is true, it's still wrapped around a very explicit hero's journey (while at the same commenting heavily on it). Adapting Dune to the big screen in 2017 doesn't have to be difficult.

My first playthrough of Dishonored was already pretty run and gun, but when I got to the party, the opulent revelry, happening smack dab in the middle of a dying city just set me off. I sneaked around for a bit to thin out the herd, but once the objective was accomplished, I just went around killing everybody there

Eh, in 20 years, no one's going to be talking about The Sure Thing, and Spinal Tap lies on the other side of it, otherwise I'd call it a 5 pic run.

No. There's at least 3 mediocre films in that sentence, even if you're only using Spielberg's work as the standard.