Shemp Marx

Rob Reiner. Princess Bride, Stand By Me, When Harry Met Sally, A Few Good Men.

Blues Brothers era Dan Aykroyd is sex on legs.

Oh, they can vote for whoever they want. Nobody really hates them for that. That whole "skreee! the lesser of two evils is still eeeeeevil!" shit? They can die in a fire quite happily as far as I'm concerned.

True Dat. As dumb as he was, the Baron actually had some political chops. (Well, the book version, anyway.)

C'mon now, it's not like its a Michael Bay movie. Keep your powder dry.

Shame it's not the 80s. Mel Gibson could do this in his sleep.

I held up a flight once because I was having a really good run on it at Heathrow. They literally sent an agent to go find me after I missed several P.A. calls.


Holy fuck, I just googled that and…yeeesh.

…and straight over that into the Hitchhiker's Guide neighborhood.

Aww, Kit's gotten better. Besides, he's supposed to be a massive distillation of all the hero's journey tropes.

At this point, the show is basically mediocre fanfiction with great production values and an awesome cast.

Dammit! This always happens.

Yeah, they're located somewhere between his abs and his gorgeous mane of hair. Somewhere.

Chris Hemsworth's eyes are too close together.

Meh, they were well on their way to bankrupting themselves anyway, Afghanistan just sped it along.

"Yo momma's so fat, she…"

I got lucky. The one time I saw them live, a "just released my debut album" Bjork was opening.

"See: "drone bombings, increased foreign intervention, whistleblower prosecuring, surveillance".

"That being said, I do not remember the last time I heard a liberal public figure bring attention to any one of those things."