Shemp Marx


I still don't. I actually watched it for the first time a few weeks ago when my wife forced me to, and I get the idea, but the video's about ten times longer than it needs to be.

Gods, the Mandarin reveal was the best part of the film. "My name is Trevor…Trevor Slattery." Fucking genius.

There's the minor point that installing a neck bomb in her would be problematic.

Yeah, Art's a great example. Any other show would have either pushed him so far back in later seasons you'd never see him or they'd just kill him off. But in OB, they took the challenge of making him interact with the rest of the cast and it works great.

As much as OB has done the wheel-spinning thing, I can't begrudge it too much since the cast is top-notch and the showrunners still seem to be able to keep notes of levity and humour going in what could be a far too serious show.

Actually, that kind of is the point. Most of the human characters are either uber-rich & powerful, or perverted little drones, hardly the best examples of humanity. Ford even has a line in the penultimate episode about human consciousness being overrated. More prosaically, we're supposed to be empathizing with the

"I don't know what the FUCK you just said, little kid. But you special man, you reached out, touched a brother's heart."

Yeah Sting and Copeland were the married couple, with poor little Andy neglected in the corner.

It's a double-edged sword: It's fucking horrifying that major chunks of the conservatosphere (now with bonus White House upgrade!) think using these sort of tactics is both useful and fun. On the other hand, if that's the best they can do, then they can be contained and beaten.

AKA Trolling.

I've been listening to right-wing radio for 20 years (oppo research), and they stopped caring about bringing new people into the fold a loooong time ago.

The "they" in your sentence is carrying sooo much, I feel comfortable asking it if it takes steroids.

Read the book only a few years ago. It holds up well, too.

He's gonna drain the Phantom Zone.

Fooking luxury.

I dunno. An MLP-themed oven would be awesome! Bronies know where the kitchen is, right?


Friends, for all its faults, is a legit, solid, old-school multi cam sitcom.

Brining chicken/turkey is always good advice no matter what or how you're cooking.