Shemp Marx

And this is why boycotts, unlike other forms of protesting, still have power. Companies will hop to when the bottom line is affected.

Eat crow? I'm not an American, so he's your problem, not mine.

One of our local "alt" online newspapers recently shut down, and with it, the only time my real name has ever appeared on the internet. I'm practically invisible.


Try This One Weird Trick To Survive A Gunfight.

I try to throw Cap'n Geech & The Shrimp Shack Shooters into casual conversation as often as possible.

I'm still baffled to this day how he's not at least a little better known.

Plus they actually bring the joke home by having one of the abducted women go full Stockholm and sit there criticizing the prequels along with her abductor.

No joke. When the show was announced, and they said it would barely be connected to the MCU, I was bummed.

Matthau's lack of fucks to give in Pelham is a thing of beauty.

Don't Be A Villain to Old Gotham While Drinking Your Venom in the Narrows

Yeah, I'm like the last person left who hasn't watched Archer.

What, no love for Aisha Tyler?

Too soon.

Mainly because he's not quite in love with his protaganists as he used to be. He's actually learned how to kill his darlings.

Funny, as a longtime Ennis fan, I think it might actually be his best work.

Wow, it's a Schooner!

I can beat that. My first week at Mickey D's, I go into the bathroom, and someone has smeared shit in a four foot high rectangle on the wall. Like, they spent some time putting this together. I noped right out of there, but a few minutes later I realized I'd probably be the guy to clean it up no matter where I hid,

However, don't expect the rest of the books to be anywhere near as good. The second and third one have their moments, but everything else can be safely avoided.