Shemp Marx

Yeah, as an 80s kid, it's been nice to watch the culture go from "NO HOMO!" to "I love you, man."

Dourif's Billy Bibbit breaks my heart every damn time.

I'm honestly surprised we haven't gotten a MRA reworking of that movie. Men are the real victims after all.

*Consults Occam's Razor* Yeah, it was all about the letter R.

But you did get to see it fight. Sure, it lasted all of ten seconds…

And this is why I download all my media. Whatever harm I'm doing to some megacorp's bottom line is more than offset by the literal tonnes of plastic I'm not sending to landfills.

Honestly, there is almost nothing wrong with Thunderdome. If no other Mad Max movies existed and it still came out in '85, we'd be talking about that movie the same way we talk about, say, the first Highlander.

Directed by Ken Loach.

Better than an EGOT.

Every time I watch the pre-chestburster segment of that scene I have to wonder how many takes/how many hours in the editing were spent to get that scene down the way it is.

I'd put it in his top three. I think time's going to be a lot more kind to MK than GBH.

It's plenty easy to be biracial and red-haired. I have two friends like that.

I can't find the Perlstein article right now, but apparently Nixon being an asshole supposedly brought a fair amount of conservatives back into the fold.

It's not amazing. Conservative billionaires set up alternatives to the mainstream media over 50 years ago in order to make sure everybody stayed on message. They were so successful Rupert Murdoch was able to come along 30 years later and form an explicitly conservative news network from whole cloth and have it be…


Red Sonja's kind of amazing in that Schwarzenegger is in the whole movie and seems happy to be Brigitte Nielsen's sidekick. Granted, he's not quite the megastar yet, but it's not something you see A-listers doing very often.

At some point in the 80s, I realized that I tended to enjoy most movies Ebert would give a thumbs down to.

When I realized, many months later, that the cute, down-to-earth teen from 21 Jump Street and the sultry vamp ex-girlfriend from Scott Pilgrim were the same person, I knew she had a bright future ahead of her.


Me too, ten years old, four people in the whole auditorium including me and my dad. Probably my favourite movie experience.