Shemp Marx


That show sounds far more interesting than what Hulu has planned.

"I love the smell of napalm in the morning. You know, one time we had a snowdrift bombed, for 12 hours. When it was all over, I walked up. We didn't find one of 'em, not one stinkin' elf body. The smell, you know that gasoline smell, the whole snowdrift. Smelled like…victory."

Well yeah, you survived. Quite a few Iraqis and American military didn't.

Never ascribe to malice that which can be attributed to stupidity. Your average journalist is just that, average.

Yeah, but whose morals? Yours? Mine? How about Jesus? I'd be good with that, but since he said nothing about abortion, teh gays or low taxes, I'm guessing he might be a problem for you.

David Warner too.

Nah, just illustrates the importance of headshots.

Beat me to it. Man was a god in the 80s.

It would be easier if you had a bondage fetish. It could then be two things.


It's cause science keeps finding ways to improve our lifespans. Millennials will have to be 60 to be 'middle-aged'.

It's only a low standard if you don't get about on the internets much.

Agreed. The show has either dropped, severely warped or heavily compressed the book material so much at this point. The only thing GoT has to "spoil" is the small handful of major plot points the showrunners have bothered to hold onto which:

If the show had proper time for the Manderlys, he would have killed as Wyman.

Agreed. He's just so pleasant and laid back. Pryor would've gone through Rock Ridge like a freaking tornado.

Jerry Orbach always delivered those lines with that shit-eating, "I'm getting PAID to say this!" grin on his face.

It's like his parents wanted him to be a creepy villain.

Yeah, as a Canadian from the same era as you, the Hip never really did anything for me. I always thought they were overrated.

Well, sure, President Trump probably won't bother trying to outlaw or gay marriage. That's the GOP in congress' job. He just has to let it happen.