Shemp Marx

Now, if we could only get rednecks to adopt the Rule Of Two…

Well, that depends. Is the onion pig-sized or is the pig onion-sized? Would only be fair.

Yeah but plants can't make noises and they don't have faces so fuck 'em.

Probably my favourite bit in the whole series. Troy's excitement and Abed's casual indifference turn a clever gag into a tiny masterpiece.

How one-armed was he? Tell me when to stop.

Longer or shorter? It's basically a fairytale, so as long as it maintains tone, it can be whatever length it wants to be.

As a kid, when Holly Hunter bursts into her crying jag at the doctor's office, I thought her energy and commitment to the bit were hilarious.

Heh, I used to do the same thing. I didn't mind Potter so much, but M*A*S*H without Trapper John and Frank Burns just wasn't M*A*S*H.

Seriously though, where's the Big Red No when you need it? Shame, A.V. Club, shame.

The slightly listless style is part of the point though. As Paul goes through the plot, he becomes more and more aware of what the future holds and how his actions now are the building blocks for that future. His dispassion is a product of the future becoming more and more unsurprising to him.

The slightly listless style is part of the point though. As Paul goes through the plot, he becomes more and more aware of what the future holds and how his actions now are the building blocks for that future. His dispassion is a product of the future becoming more and more unsurprising to him.

Hey, the Underworld series of films has been screwing up Vampires vs Werewolves for over a decade now. Screwing up bone simple premises is part of any studio's toolkit.

"Who put the sticks up your butt?"

I wouldn't have minded if it was just that, but you're playing as Darth Freaking Vader! Having to switch to generic protagonist for the rest of the game was such a letdown.

While I enjoyed the first Force Unleashed game, I was always puzzled why they essentially put the best level of the entire game first. There's some good bits afterwards, but the whole game you're thinking "Why can't I just play as Darth Vader and lay waste to everything?"

You know, it's been a couple of decades since WB gave Kubrick a ton of money for anything, I'm pretty sure they got all the coasting they can get out of it.

It's a shame there's no way for me to upvote and downvote your post at the same time.

Maybe a little less 'off the leash' and more like 'throw a little Bridesmaids in'.

Bummer. was looking forward to the sequel, where 4 talented performers and one talented director would actually be let off the leash.

Take that shit back to the Iron Islands.