Shemp Marx

No, but that's not the conversation we're having. You want to talk american imperialism, fine. But the argument against that isn't simply "drones".

Exactly right. "Washington isn't working" has been a core tenet of the GOP since Reagan. Yelling that point over and over again, no matter how true, just helps them.

Well, the backassing on Gitmo is Congress wringing their hands about putting criminals in regular jails (I guess they think prisons are a liberal conspiracy.)

Cracking heads is soooooooooooooooo money.

Yeah, Marvel getting their hands back on Spidey when they did gives them a lot of breathing room once Downey/Evans/Hemsworth etc. start rotating out.

You know, Goebbels would be ashamed of how desultorily Trump has whipped up the masses, how little effort he's put in. Propaganda is hard work, dammit.

Yeah, what Brienne said. Humour is tricky business, and that's before you consider the extra limitations placed on on you here by being confined to the written medium.

What you got to say?

Yeah, even if that soundtrack had sucked worse, it would still be revered by me because that's how I learned that PJ Harvey existed.

Sure, if the reason I want to fight him is because he said something stupid. I just want to fight him because he's my size.

Ugh, really? First Sarandon, now this? Is there any celebrity I can crush on without looking like an idiot?

I'm 6'6". I'd happily fight him in his prime. Hell, I'd be happy whether I won or lost.

Oh it was definitely lush, it was just one of the most half-assed mullets I've seen on film. It's like the hairstylist thought she was working on Miami Vice or something and only got told at the last possible minute that Jesse Custer is a hillbilly preacher, not a South Beach kingpin.

You asked for it: His mullet in the flashbacks on Preacher was so lame, it retroactively gave Custer's mullet from the comics a pardon.

Speaking as a huge CCR fan, I'd pay large amounts of money to never hear "Fortunate Son" in a movie or TV Show ever again.

And, just for accuracy, racist shitbags think he's as black as the ace of spades and couldn't care less about his white ancestry except when it's convenient to use it to concern troll liberals with the concept that he's "not black enough".

"You ever shot a movie that made you feel like you took a dump?"

End Of Watch was pretty enjoyable. Just not sure if that had anything to do with Ayer though.

Agreed, as far as DC movie "history" is concerned, this is waay premature.

Or The Last Boy Scout.