Shemp Marx

I don't think there's a lot of RR hate, it's just he seems happy to squander his early promise on kid's movies and B-movie wankery and a lot of us are wandering if he's ever going to make anything as good as Desperado again.

Wasn't that the point of the character, though?

I'm also assuming that Will Smith, at the height of his power and influence, had a lot of pull on how broad and "friendly" the movie was.

As I've said before, Die Hard 3 is a great action movie, it's just not a Die Hard movie.

Well, this is why they sold millions of records and are still around and touring where millions of other 80s pop bands crumbled into dust decades ago. Duran Duran's place in the music history is assured, don't ever doubt that.

I really need to rewatch it. As a teen in the 80s it did nothing for me.

Fair enough. It's just that the only bit that blew mine was Vader.

I must be the only person from the original generation of SW fans who thought "smuggler with a heart of gold" was already a huge cliche by '77.


This is a joke, right? John Carter was a boring, needlessly complicated snooze fest.

He could play an older, bitter Dick Grayson.

2 Skin 2 Max

Doom has its moments, like a rare (and decent) bad guy turn from The Rock. I really want someone to do with him what they did with Denzel in Training Day. He'd make a fantastic villain.

There's humanity's problem in a nutshell: They want both those things.

"It's like, how much more diamond could he be? And the answer is none. None more diamond."

BRB, creating multiple alt accounts in order to keep upvoting this comment.

You put it like that , I have to wonder if Cameron wasn't trolling.

"I'm gonna get you a nice fruit basket. I'm going to miss him…"


Homicide was always one of those shows that kept getting renewed by the skin of its teeth almost every season.