Shemp Marx

Holy fuck I've actually seen this movie. Spoiler: It's awful.

People keep saying this in this thread, but they don't point to anything in particular to justify this claim.

Which would be fine argument if that point were a little more exciting than "suicide is stupid".

It didn't. We're talking about Arseface here, not Eugene.

Glad we agree.

To be fair, the mcguffin in the books isn't explained or used any better.

How the fuck do you trash a character who died by accidental gunshot while taking a shit in the woods? Honouring the source comic is one thing, but people seem to forget that Ennis was more than happy to trash any pathos he may have built up with a dick joke at the worst moment.

Honestly, I don't know what the fuss is. Both Eugene's personality and Jesse's use of the story to justify the worst thing we've seen him do on screen are pretty big pointers that there's far more to this than has been presented.

Wait, we're calling Arseface a "major" character now? That's only true in the barest, most technical way ever.

By racism, you mean racism towards sentient meat, right? :)

I'm pretty sure the moral center of the Preacher Universe was Jesse Custer. Yeah, his "center" is a little off, but he is the final arbiter of right and wrong as far as Ennis is concerned.

What, exactly is complicated? As for style, I don't know what show your watching, but all I see is an irreverent, oddball story about heaven, hell, and the offbeat characters stuck in between. Sounds like Preacher to me.

The point of the character was that Ennis thought that idol worship (in this case Kurt Cobain) was a stupid thing to shoot yourself for. I don't think I've missed a thing.

Come to think of it, aren't most religions and cults reactionary anyway?

Can't believe I'm about to defend Odin Quincannon, but I do believe he couldn't have given two shits about the Klan. If I remember right, he just ends up hiring the local Klavern as cheap muscle.

You know, if you'd told me 20 years ago that a TV adaptation of the character Arseface, pretty much the definition of a one-joke character, would get so many people upset, I'd have looked at you like you were from another planet.

I always understood the point of LeVay using Satanist in the title was that he saw mankind as the godhead with the church as the adversary and so proudly adopted the title of their most feared enemy. He was hijacking that meaning in order to get noticed by the right people.

Honestly, I think it's kind of brilliant that they're burning off one of the lamer late-book plots/villains early like this, means we get the good stuff later.

Actually in the comic, he eventually escapes Gran'mas, spends a few years living it up in his twenties, meets Tulip, etc.

"Jesse's drunk on Genesis"