Shemp Marx

"I don't mind that they changed it. I mind that they changed the character from a sad-sack to a murderous sad-sack."

It's real simple. A TV show has to get viewers comfy with their characters before they can really take off. Having Jesse, Tulip and Cassidy all run into each in the first episode as the town burns behind them, then doling out origins piecemeal while throwing another dozen characters and plot points at you in the

The Old West stuff is worth waiting for and will impact the story all the way to the end. Hands down my favorite element form the books.

Fine by me. As good a person as he was, he was still a one-joke character who got waaaay too much page time. And that's before he pops back up and gets his own mini-series. Show Eugene is a straight up improvement.

Have you watched any John Cassavetes movies?

Short of destroying all copies of the original movie, how is it possible to shit on Ghostbusters fans?

Sizzler or GTFO.

The awesome thing about Cordy is that no Buffyverse character got to grow and change anywhere near as much a she did.

Yeah I gotta keep shutting Flash down.

"What do you mean they cut the Power? How can they cut the power, man they're animals!" is still my favourite line reading of all time.

That reminds me, time for a Metalocalypse rewatch.

White Supremacy Army Man.

There's no "we" there. The only people who don't like athletes talking about money are the kinds of sports fans who are beholden to some weird ideas about purity. The rest of us just watch the games or ignore the sport entirely.

Yeah, I'm not understanding the outright love for book Jesse. For every awesome character trait he had, he usually had a negative one to balance it right out, and his general protagonist plot armour could get a little wearying as well. Show Jesse is pretty much a full on upgrade.

Yeah, for all its awesomeness, it needs about an hour trimmed off the backend.

That's Bovine-Americans, you specieist fuck.

I don't know. It seems pretty obvious the town's going to be destroyed by the end of the season, which will free them up for roadtrippin' and hitting all those other non-Annville plots from the books.

Not to mention several people being essentially mind-raped.

Yeah, there's nothing amazing about the story, but Silverman and Reilly are working at the top of their game.

Yeah, Sue was pretty savage. But like I said, the damn story stopped every five seconds so someone could scold someone else. It got a little tedious after a while.