Shemp Marx

Meh. I'm pretty sure every Civil War issue (AND the tie-ins) had at least one mandated "What the Hell, Hero?" smackdown. I guess that one got lost in the shuffle for me.

It had it moments for sure.

We're currently hosting (in a rental, not our one house, thank Cthulhu) some of my wife's family who are on vacation here. It's been less than a week, and everybody's already pissed off.

"Let's not go down that "society finally integrated the physically
superior black athletes into sports, which improved everything." This
isn't sports, and that really is racist."

"Behold, Lord Vader, my newest creation…the Tickle Trooper!"

Those office drones just got done implementing the last batch of fresh EU directives, and now, they not only gotta throw that shit and decades more work out the window, they gotta redo everything from scratch. Sure, being a UK civil servant might be safe, but I'd still want to slit my wrists after this last week.


As has been stated before, Highlander was a documentary filmed in real time.

That's not how it went, eh. We just, you know, kept out of trouble, and when the time was right, we asked really really nicely and they just gave it to us.

I'm actually fairly impressed with the showrunners' mercenary sensibilities. They will quite happily jettison anything from the books that doesn't work, and with some granularity too.

Yeah, I'm not happy with this recent turn of events. I come to the AVClub for a lot of things, but TV coverage is one of the biggies

3, count 'em, 3 Poopy Butthole emojis. May all this wealth sate you.

Just checked. Seems not, sadly.

I recently made my wife a "TINY RICK!" tone alert for her phone. She's gonna be stoked for this.

Studio executives are there to give the people what they want, not to force stars on people.

You're giving movie audiences way too much credit when it comes to middle-aged studio executives making decisions.

There's got to be enough footage of him dancing or whatnot to make this gif happen.

That's as good a description of Besson's films as I've ever seen. Very nice.

I'll give you the latter, but if anything, he under-acts.

That's the best thing about the Avenger's movies* so far, they end up being stealth vehicles for whoever stands out. The first one was the Hulk, Age Of Ultron was The Vision, and CA:CW was Ant-Man.