Shemp Marx


Actually, considering how all superhero fare is pretty much either solo heroes or group adventures, a Marvel movie focusing on a duo would be kinda cool just for structural reasons.

I could write a Master's Thesis on what's wrong with "Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer".

Hahahaha! Joke's on you, I'm a college dropout!

Wait, they gave a kaiju a gun? Is that stupid awesome or just stupid?

That rug really tied Area 51 together.

Then he's being an asshat. Guy like that can afford a sat phone or one of them watches calls out rescue choppers when you pull the winder out.

Just gonna put this here so I can refer to it in future discussions. My hockey fandom started with the 80s Canucks. YOU CANNOT HURT ME.

I still don't believe Houston exists. I'm pretty sure it's just a bigger version of Rock Ridge put up by the energy cartels in order to lure in workers and government subsidies.

Eh, tbh fuck all Texas sports teams. When your brand spanking new NHL franchise wins the Stanly Cup almost immediately, you fucking paid for it.

Her middle finger game is on point though. She literally went up a couple points in my estimation just for that.

Calling it now: Bernice, now a zealot, puts out a Youtube video extolling the wonders of PP. The combination of her high level of training on the platform along with the fact that she's an non-techie and can convey how it all works in layman's terms produces a viral video that blows their numbers skywards.

No it's not. It's just Sturgeon's Law in action.

Well, it's been fun playing your little passive-aggressive trolling game or whatever the fuck you think you've been achieving here. But now's the time to use this awesome new Disqus feature that lets me never have to deal with you again. Toodles!

The entire HT "review" of Pacific Rim is basically a sustained riff of pointing out moments that are both awesome and silly at the same time.

You think that's a tantrum? You got a weak constitution.

"I've had it with these motherfucking apes on these motherfucking plains!"

Let's not forget the classic extended cut of Tyrion slapping Joffrey to the sweet sweet sounds of Guile's Theme.

Right. Coupla million idiot yanks and you want to throw the rest of us in too? Fuck you and your assumptions.

Yeah, no. Some of us are old to enough to remember he was already a joke thirty years ago. I sure as shit haven't been championing him or his products since then. Trump ain't on me.