Shemp Marx

Not really. Seriously, the happiest thing happening right now is that Trump will probably lose the election. 2016 can fuck right off.

Given the way the actors portrayed their characters, that's not far off actually.

You know, if you'd been a kid in the first half of the 20th century, what with grinding poverty, barely any electricity, primitive medicine, not to mention two frigging world wars, I can see how clowns were the iPhones of the day.

Be sexually unavailable then die young?

"I don't know anything about the Viet Cong and at this point I'm too afraid to ask."

"Torpedos with frickin player pianos attached to their heads!"


It is insane the amount of Gen Xers who have a Taz tattoo.

The truly sad part is we haven't learned a damned thing from that embarrassment. We still have hordes of "independents" screaming about how Clinton's no better than Trump. It'd be fine if we were talking about 18 year-olds, but most of these people were around in 2000 and should fucking know better.

Well, among other things, Lucky Number Slevin happened to him.

While the animation in ABL looks suitably ropey now, the story and characters hold up great.

And some wonderful slapstick, too.

*breaks mouse while furiously mashing downvote*

Yeah, the showrunners have cast the hell out of this show. Shame the writing isn't on the same level.

Yeah, how you don't make Deena Pilgrim the protagonist, I have no idea. She's the best part of the book.

That's the horrible thing about GoT. It's got interminable slogs, but every so often it'll do something awesome like the Hardhome sequence, or having Gwendoline Christie and Rory McCann act out one of the most brutal and savage fights I've ever seen on the small screen.

"One on one" isn't entirely fair, since they were the last two combatants left in a melee. I can easily see Brienne's better stamina and strength being more useful than any kind of skill here.

Yeah, it's not a great movie, but it certainly doesn't suck and Adrian Brody commits 100% to his character.

…and The Thomas Crown Affair

True, but Loras is supposed to be the epitome of a young, up and coming warrior. He'll be at least proficient in all forms of combat.