Shemp Marx

There's a lot, actually: Splendid twist on the 'Bond Girl', actually delving into Bond's character in ways not seen since OHMSS, a surprisingly well-made argument for the existence of both Bond and the franchise in general, some gorgeous cinematography, and possibly the most downer ending in the whole franchise.

It's a circus routine, not a good action scene.

"Perot drew from both sides of the aisle as they say".

Was anybody ever jazzed up for Bush v Dukakis? or Bush v Kerry? Or Reagan v Mondale?

None of what you just wrote wouldn't happen under a GOP president (even Trump).

Shouldn't be a problem. Most libertarians would never vote for a Dem in the first place, let alone Hillary, but they often vote GOP, so Gary Johnson's mostly going to screw with Trump. I wouldn't be surprised if the Donald starts a feud with him.

I don't know about Graham, but McCain sold his soul sometime back in 2002.

Maybe it's just me but I always thought they did a pretty good job of showing that the Starbuck/Anders relationship was off from the start. It always seemed to me that she invested him with a lot of qualities that he simply didn't possess.

Tim Reid was just so awesome as Venus. It's a shame he never really did anything all that interesting after.

You know you're making my point for me, right?

He got replaced by the HBO CEO of warty penises.

See, I'm with with you most of the way, but then you say something like "rather than if it was appropriate or not" which makes no fucking sense in context.

The sad thing about the Robocop remake is that it's actually a decent movie. Still completely pointless, but way better than it had a right to be.

I don't know. The Rock's got better acting chops than he's been allowed to show for most of his career, so he could pull this off.

" thus erasing the history of the originals"

Whole generation of girls being called catpiss during recess.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. hates this one weird trick to stay off their radar!"

Great. So what you're telling me is that I've been an adult since I was about 8. This actually explains a lot.

What a bunch of BS. I've said it before: There exists no adults. What you see is children with driver's licenses and credit cards.

As an old fart who still plays FPS and RTS games (always my favourite genres), I gotta agree. Having experience and strat skills will definitively help.