Shemp Marx

Depends. Is he doing his normal voice, his Kurgan voice or his Mr. Krabs voice?

Always my favorite too. He had Picard's brains and Kirk's attitude. Very refreshing.

Holy crap he pulled a Lucas?

Pff, young'uns. When I finished the first book, I was sad there weren't going to be any more! (This was the conventional wisdom at the time, exacerbated by comments King himself had made.)

I'd love to do "Best" but conversational flow is just too important.

Seriously? I bought it on a steam sale 4 years ago for $5.

Even as a big RATM, this is much better news than just a simple reunion. Carefully stoked.


Has there ever been a supergroup where the gulf between expectations and reality were so wide?

Train2spotting or GTFO.

We're not even wankers, we're colonized by wankers!

Well, at least two of those are really really good tricks. Third one's not too shabby either if you know how to use it.

No, I meant ASS: The movie, from Idiocracy.


"billionaire buys a police precinct"

Damn right. Texas claimed him, they get to keep him. No take backs.

Grrr, argh.

Actually, the prevalence of sax in 80s music is Bowie's fault. He knew how to use it and use it well, but his disciples sure as shit didn't.

"Opinion of his Wonka" is Aussie slang for a little bit of weed. True story.

So you don't subscribe to the theory that Darkstar and his awfulness were done on purpose by Martin to make fun of these types of characters?