Shemp Marx

He might not be much of a fantasy writer, but Clive Barker is just awful IMO. He was real popular when I was in highschool, but apart from a couple of decent short stories, every book of his I've read has left me both cold and bored.

It is.

A buddy mine had a game save from just after the test to lend to friends for just this problem.

Eh, that's people. For every 19 year old thinks anyone over 20 is ancient, there's another one who couldn't give a rat's ass.

Just like to point out to the site owners that comments like this are as much a draw as the content here as far as I'm concerned.

I've always found it hard to feel bad for Barristan the Bold seeing as he led a truly epic life.

Well, technically, I don't think Thorne had enough time to throw a quickie election in order to legitimize his authority. Granted, neither has Edd, but I'm pretty sure they can do a quick show of hands in the yard at this point.

So fucking stoked, since I predicted Edd as LC ages ago, and this strengthens my hopes it will happen in the book.

Dude had 4 two-handed Kingsguard with him. He was as safe as possible in that situation.

Yeah, I don't understand how Ramsay doesn't just stab him on the spot. Every second that Rickon is breathing is another second closer to him being Lord of Winterfell instead of Ramsay.

No, the most ridiculous character in the books is Euron. And I mean this in a good way.

Well, at this point int he book, winter is coming, even in Essos, and the grass is starting to shrivel up.

The Dothraki aren't short on slave labour, an they only had to do the horse the one time, however long ago it was.

No, it's pure prejudice. When you're choosing homicidal zombies and their undead handlers over helping out people you hate, you're an asshole.

God I hope you're just making shit up, because if not, a simple user survey would have shown them how stupid that idea was.

Good. Enough people figure out that FB is useless at actually connecting people, the faster it'll die.

Well, he's most likely toast before the season's out, so chin up!

Even Lizzy Caplan's got mortgage payments.

As far as calculated videos go, that one's pretty simple and understated.