Shemp Marx

You know, as much as I love the book (just re-read it a couple weeks ago in fact), Brooks absolutely fails to write as any of the characters that are supposedly being "interviewed."

I can recall at least 4 amazing set-pieces in that film that blew me away.

There's a certain amount of inoculation in being a misanthrope. When everybody sucks, why would you lower yourself to play in the kiddie pools of lesser bigotries?

Calamity Trike

Well said. I think they were trying to go with this slightly more nuanced version of Tony for CW, but the execution is what screwed it up.

The fight scene with Pegg trying to drink his pint before giving up in frustration and literally jumping into the fray was ace though.

Of course not. Thorne's not an immortal, he's just a dick.

Klaatu…Barada…Ni*coughing fit*

Two words: Golden Storm.

Oh man, David Warner would be a great Mad King.

Wait, Fallon is actually beloved by a generation?

Yeah, US politics took satire out back and shot it in the head a couple cycles ago.

The comic's 20 years old at this point. A lot of things that would've worked in the 90s just won't work now. I'm actually looking forward to seeing what choices they made in order to make the premise work in 2016.

Ain't working in Firefox either…

there would be no other topic of conversation on the planet besides trying to find out what happened

I like that the fact that there was so much inertia baked in. Real life is just not that fascinating. I'm sure two weeks after 9/11, there were millions of New Yorkers bitching about their commute or landlord or paycheck, checking their kid's homework etc. Life goes on.

Underworld still makes me angry. How in the fucking name of everloving fuck do you fuck up wire-fu vampires vs werewolves?

Oh man, good call on that audio-only flashback. You don't see that often.


Because then we get Indy and the Crystal Skull, or worse…its sequel.