Shemp Marx

Yeah, I'm also expecting a veritable tsunami of #KillBusey myself.


When was the last time you listened to it? I'm finding that it's not aging as well as Joshua Tree.

Yeah, Lobo's more like a shitty Transformers repaint than a Go-bot. Give him a little credit.

Switch those around, and put in Aquaman instead of the Lobo movie, and that's EXACTLY how I feel.

There's a beautiful scene in the Lobocop comic where Lobo, all cyborged up, is laying waste to old Detroit. A bystander yelps "Holy heck, he hardly hesitated!" Lobo then vaporizes him for "Excessive use of alliteration".

Cy, I think you meant "Whilst I am fucking overjoyed at this rapturous news, my cold, dead heart can only muster an ill-gotten and churlish spasm of…mediocre."

*Opens new tab, loads up YouTube…*

Someone's a little obsessed with PBR…

The scene where they're trying to do some lyric deciphering has a lot of replay value.

But…but…Imelda Staunton as Dolores Umbridge. For that performance alone, I'll forgive pretty much anything.

Odin would have a word with thee.

Negatory. Early Tea party placards had the euphemism.

Pain or damage don't end the world. Or despair or fucking beatings. The world ends when you're dead. Until then, you got more punishment in store. Stand it like a man and give some back.

That's cuz he was kind of progressive and human compared to these assholes.

I can just Imagine Lars wheedling his mom, in a Cartman-esque voice: "But meeeeeerm, I don't wanna play tennis, I wanna play in a bannnnnnnd!"

Cantal or GTFO.

Rushmore rewards repeat viewings. It was honestly my least favourite Anderson film for the longest while until HBO got it back on rotation a couple years ago and I got a chance to really take it in a few times. Also, it's one of the tightest non-score soundtracks ever put together.

I once read a Stephen King Book in about 8 hours on day off once. granted, it was Gerald's Game, not It or The Stand.

I have already become infamous with friends and family for correcting any utterance of his name with "you mean OSCAR winner Matthew McConaughey".