Shemp Marx

Yeah, this was a nice surprise, wouldn't have thought she's be on the AVC radar. I actually had a crush on her for a while back in the 227 days. (Now get off my lawn).

As long as he lays off the NyQuil, sure.

There's nothing wrong with containing multitudes.

*Turns towards camera*

Chuck Lorre.

Those last 5 examples are all the same person.

"Yeah, no. Homeland is utter garbage since Season 3."


Nah, once "Smells Like Teen Spirit" hit the airwaves, we were finally in the 90s.

*studio exec breaks wrist lunging for checkbook*

Nah, it was Elvis' granddaughter that became buddy-buddy with Nux.

Change that to first half of The Mist, and you're golden.

Oh crap, he's involved in this? Bummer.

Honestly, this is as tight an assessment/putdown of Scorsese as I've ever seen

Arm Fall Off Boy or GTFO.

Go back up the chain to the original claim. I think you'll find you and I are talking about 2 different things.

The first.

4 down, thousands to go. Get to work!

but pretty much every single serious legal scholar (from the right or the left) will disagree with you

These would all be so much better arguments if the examples weren't Scalia and Thatcher.