Shemp Marx

True, but they do have the numbers though.

No no, I mentioned The A.V. Club.

This is what I don't get. Sex with underage girls and dodging the draft in the most nasty way possible should be deal-breakers for right-wing sainthood, but all Ted has to do is fellate a gun and conservatives fucking love it.

Wow, this would be one of those rare instances where Hollywood has two of the same flicks coming out around the same time, but they're both masterpieces.

I'm actually strangely comforted by this. By using one of the weakest plots at the beginning, the quality of the show can only go up.


Ooooh, STAR whackers! I get it now!

Nah, just send 'em to "Just one more!" they'll say, as we dismantle their army


Surely, it has at least something to do with the fact that 98% of superhero flick plots are origin stories.

Overboard is a testament to Hawn and Russell's charisma considering it's a depraved, mysognistic and abusive concept from start to finish.

Yeah, it makes the parent show look dynamic and interesting in comparison, which…fuck man, that's impressive.

But Burress didn't go after him because of politics, he went after him because he's a holier-than-thou moralizing asshole.

Which would be fine if that had anything to do with "black culture" and not systemic poverty.

Which would have been fine if they'd hired a housekeeper to make it believable. Considering a doctor/lawyer's schedule and the fact you never saw the kids doing chores, that house was way too clean.

Ugh. The poundcake speech would be on point if he was using actual evidence and not just urban myths, anecdotes and strawmen to make his point.

Yeah, when he's focused like that, he's terrific.

If the golden age of TV is good for anything, it's for making the point that stretching a show to 20+ episodes is fucking stupid.