Shemp Marx

"A serious case of Baby Boomer hedgerow envy."

When was the last time you watched it? It hasn't aged very well, especially the parts that aren't Benicio Del Toro's story.

Cinderella Man is so good, I can almost forgive Ron Howard for all the crap he's made.

1989 was a helluva year.

No to mention embroiling him and his family in the criminal world because he was too proud for charity.

Yeah, I got no faith in the M7 remake either.

While I'm loath to label him a rapist too, as far as everyone else is concerned, his wife can't give consent. Even past all that, it's icky as fuck.

You ever hear of the saying "you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole; you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole."

They explained that in season 3. The Dharma Initiative keeps sending resupply drops to the island.


Honestly, the more I've learned about the comic book industry, it's become clear that your popularity and talent only get you so far as an artist and being able to consistently hit monthly deadlines will easily get you work. Considering how much Liefeld was putting out int he 90s, dude must have been a machine.

You'd think one of the biggest franchises in the world could pay their employees better so that don't have to walk the streets after their shift is over in order to cover the rent that month.

The show's already unsubtle enough as it is and you want to add splitscreen?

While the quality's improved over the last 2 seasons, this is still the number one show for yelling at your TV: "How in the EVERLOVING FUCK are you this stupid?"

Politically correct people don't think Stalin's a monster? In what alternate universe?

Surely if Disney has managed to gobble up Nintendo, Ragnarok is truly upon us.

I was actually thinking both. That, plus her job sounded like something that would pay fairly well considering the level of intelligence, empathy and toughness the job required.

The kid specifically told the german tourists that the water was free, however any donation they made to the church would be gratefully accepted.

Isn't that sort of the point, though? She's not thinking about this rationally, she just wants to be safe right now.

I dunno, if he's in his forties, then he's still a teenager/college kid when EDM really starts going mainstream in the early 90s.