Shemp Marx

Oh come on, comics QS has tons of personality, it's just that it's mostly 'arrogant prick'.


I'm getting a huge Aeon Flux vibe, surprised no one's mentioned it yet.

Look closer, they're not rumples, they're tubes.

Funny, the movie did the same thing for me with Rorschach. I understood the character, but JEH just brought him to magnificent life.

Dammit why'd you have to bring that up? Now I have a twinge of hopeā€¦

I dunno. I should be hating this show, and I can't claim to have any clue whatsoever as to what's going on, but the first season had me completely hooked. It'll be interesting if they can keep it up in S2.

He's one of those people who took 9/11 way too seriously.

What's the driving like? Every single gameplay video I've seen is severely underwhelming, I get no sense of speed or even interesting handling, and that's a dealbreaker for me when it comes to a Mad MAx game.

Adams: "Holy shit, I just ran into Fred Savage on my way to work today!"
Editor: "Did he say anything?"
Adams: "Yeah we chatted for like a minute about his new show!"
Editor: "That's front page material, son! Go write it up."

I hate to lose cool points, but that live version is ever so slightly superior to the original album cut.

Any moderately competent assortment of dance scenes from mainstream movies of the last century or so?

And I presume in your analysis you both went to the same school at the same time?

Robocop: Predicting the Jay Leno Tonight Show years.

and he's treating it like it's revolutionary

Considering how many of "us" still don't fucking get it, he's performing a valuable public service. More power to him.

Parnell can actually rap. AFAIK, Meadows can't.

Yeah, I think the anticipated backlash is overblown. Supernatural has been doing some fairly wild and weird shit to Judeo-Christian theology for ages now and there's been not one peep from the usual suspects.

To be entirely fair, the Batman analogue in The Boys wanted to fuck everything.

More than a few? There's a a dozen Begbies for every pub in Scotland.