Shemp Marx

Man, the 90s musically were like Cuba Gooding Jr: Great start, lousy finish. Hell, we went from Nirvana to Limp Bizkit in six years!

Half a kilo seems a bit excessive. We could easily keep some to celebrate with afterwards.

Anybody else trying to get "WITNESS!" to replace "Hold my beer"?

Lawless is worth watching to see Hardy give a masterclass in how to act solely through grunts, head nods and eye movements.

Col. Hans Landa:You'll be shot for this!
Lt. Aldo Raine:Nah, I don't think so. More like chewed out. I've been chewed out before.

There's a leeeetle bit of Vincent Kartheiser in there as well.

Well no, but that's not the point. The point is that updates happen when we want them to happen. Not right when we want to play a game.

Which is just one of the reasons why we, the Master PC Race, feel so smug.

For me, the great thing about FPS games is that they're time-elastic. If I only have 20-30 minutes to spare, I can still log on and get some playtime in and feel like I got something done.

That would certainly win the internetz for a day or two.

"The mediocre…the mediocre…"

Having just rewatched the movie today, that first deleted scene was a smart choice. In the movie, Max makes his pitch out on the salt, everybody agrees it's a decent plan and then cut straight to Immortan's party watching in surprise as the fugitives they'd lost track of go speeding right past them. It really helps

Republican National Committee?

Honestly, as much as I was interested in this movie before (huge QT fanboy), seeing a glimpse of JJL's character in the trailer just takes it up another notch.

I'm going for Dern. SLJ strikes me as Doc.

Who knows? Maybe this will join Die Hard in the pantheon of great Christmas movies.

To be fair, most directors get shit for doing what they do best. Case in point: Michael Bay.

My take was always that Planet Terror was the "better" movie, in a sort of classical sense, but that Death Proof is the one that's going to have a long life. Rodriguez was slavish to a fault, whereas QT just can't help being QT.

Now I'm gonna be pissed if there aren't any Snow White references in this movie.

"He'll do you up a treat, motherfucker."