Shemp Marx

Yeah, but it's one of the most boring war movies ever made, and I'm including The Thin Red Line in that assessment.


Hateful 8:The Hatening

It's always been my understanding that Carpenter threw out most of Morricone's score and heavily reworked what was left.

Make due? Is there a copy editor position open and may I apply?

Well, except for the Dornish. And all the white people that live in Essos. But yeah otherwise, vanilla city.

The record execs did, though.

This is why I'm all for casual racism, otherwise people like Pat Boone would have had to work for a living.

Yeah but in media circles, it's pronounced "Canadians".

Ricochet was the reason I was excited for Training Day, Denzel pushed himself out of his comfort zone for that one.

No, no, I saw it. Things are not good.

Marry, even.

"Pain or damage don't end the world. Or despair or fucking beatings.

Dammit, I hate it when I miss an actress' last fuckable day.

Is it really rape when the guy getting raped is invisible and you can't see it happening?

The studio can do whatever the fuck it wants. The movie's made, getting great reviews, and we're all going to go see it. Everything else is details.

"Why should I have to change my name? He's the one who flays people!"

I read that in Davos' voice, dammit…

Hawk the Slayer was rubbish!

I actually thought the voice box was a nice touch, Batman should sound terrifying, not in need of some cough medicine.