Shemp Marx

No love here for KoQ either, but the stripper pole episode is comedy gold.

Neo? Surely they mean Morpheus…

The way I remember it, PR didn't quite make enough money to get the automatic greenlight, so things just kind of hung in the air for a while. But about 6 months after Godzilla came out is when they announced the PR sequel.

Actually, it was Godzilla's huge box office that saved Pacific Rim, so you can be mad at Michael Bay again.

Man, I really need a scene where the Thing is asking Mr. Fantastic about the Human Torch:

Star Trek:The One Pegg Wrote was rubbish!

Ahem. Body Count.

Eh, it makes kids and grannies happy, something most of the nominees upthread can't boast.

Not enough upvotes in the world.


Lost had its problems, but it looks like the freaking Wire next to Walking Dead.

This would be an interesting analysis if they'd given Robin Wright anywhere near the screentime that Hanks got.

I think My favourite one has to be when Jim works like 3 days straight, then blows all the money on a wall o' teevees.

Wow, nasty. You could have gone with rat poop and I still wouldn't be as squicked out.


The AV Club

True, the first 15 minutes of the Stallone one are decent enough, say a B or B+. But once the plot really kicks in, it's all downhill from there.

You know what, fuck Soderbergh on this one. It was Cheadle's idea to do that godawful accent in the Ocean's movies because he was bored, and Soderbergh never had the balls to say "That fucking sucks, stop it."

That scene actually prompted me to investigate the first 4 KISS albums (I still hate them, I just don't begrudge their place in history anymore), so I'm glad to see its inclusion on this list.

A fortnight?