
Me neither. One of my FB friends just posted a picture of his toddler son, who is running with his arms outstretched totally naked and grinning. It’s a cute picture and would be great to share with their family, but, like, I’ve barely seen this guy since high school. His son’s genitalia is none of my business.

I have no problem with this.

Golf is not sports, Ashley.

I can’t believe how far I read before I realized that might not be verbatim.

Then he’ll allow Trump to interrupt with, “I can do it in 4 words. NO GIRLS IN SCHOOL.” receiving tearful applause from Lauer and a standing ovation from his roving entourage of neckbearded babymen.

That’s actually not a bad go.

“Abolish the NRA.”

“Secretary Clinton: Can you explain and provide your solution to the crisis of gun violence in America? Please use 10 words or less.”

I woke up this morning feeling happy and confident it was Friday. Decided to celebrate the start of the weekend by getting breakfast and working in a local coffee shop. Spilled coffee all over me, and said “well at least it’s Friday.” The barista looked at me with such pity and said “... it’s actually Thursday.”

It’s all the shooting.

I like how one girl shoots another girl and you still find a way to blame boys for it.... as if that even matters at this point.

This just highlights the Solomon-like wisdom of suggesting that teachers bring firearms to school. Can you imagine the carnage of a slew of half-trained educators running the hallways with their 9mm’s shooting at anything that moves.

Matt Lauer will probably find some way to blame this on Hillary... for empowering girls or whatnot.

“People don’t know this about Iraq, but they have among the largest oil reserves in the world.”

Interesting. Switch the pronouns, and you have a classic Nice Guy (TM). “Who just assumes that a random girl doesn’t want them because she’s minding her own business”

She should stop. Then she wouldn’t be humiliated by her own trash articles, when they bite her in the ass and she has to make a public apology.

Not seeing how this confirms her comment that he was wondering if she was fuckable or not??

Seriously. He could have roasted her with this. But “I never want any problems with anybody in the world”? I want to be that kind when I grow up.

Yeah but there's a difference between not knowing someone and supposedly not having an interest in fucking them. Dunham assumed the latter.

His response: basically, he doesn’t know her.