
She is a tall, statuesque woman who can probably pull off all kinds of things someone more petite can't. And with that amazing skin tone and her crazy funny personality? You'd think designers would be jumping to offer up something out-of-the-box for her.


Christian will make her look even more flawless than she already looks, because she always looks beautiful and chic in her outfits.

Even if that girl was terrible-how the hell do you kill your own kids? I don't get it and I'll never get it. My mission in life is keeping my kids alive.

ROLL TIDE, check

There's a comment on one of the news stories from someone claiming to know the family, said she had bipolar and other issues. Another poster said that the mom had made a bunch of false abuse claims. Sounds like she had more issues than a magazine rack. NAILED IT!

I’m probably going to be wrong, I suspect the family was dissolving, and the husband was leaving (for someone else) and she is a family annihilator.

Anxiety issues are a common result of parental abuse too. That’s so sad and telling.

Also nothing in Taylor’s Facebook since May:

A few things are pretty interesting with regard to her facebook:

People missing the point will try to point out that she apparently was only using a pistol at the time, so likely not a type of gun that is currently being targeted by gun control advocates. But the real point is the disconnect between the dream—I will use this to protect my family!!!—and the reality—that it is far…

Jesus christ. And this is the RESPONSIBLE gun owner that needs to defend her family? Her family needed to be protected from her. I do not know if gun control laws would have stopped this, but I do know it’s worth trying.

Investigations on Miller’s finances began when a bankruptcy lawyer happened to see her on TV and guessed there was no way she could only be making the $9,000 a month she claimed.

Well, that can’t end well. Cipro destroyed both of my Achille’s tendons and I’ve been recovering for 19 months and still have trouble walking. I can’t imagine how it might fuck some poor Olympian over.

This is for a role in a movie set in World War II. It’s his stab at being in a period movie.

Things I have been caught doing in public:

If by “it,” you mean eating a packet of relish at the Metropolitan Museum of Art because you’re super stoned, then yes.

Leading causes of death in Russia (per capita):

“Urine a lot of trouble.”

why is it that every male who thinks he owns my uterus always looks so fucking happy about it?