
When the vast majority of Bernie's base hasn't even lived that many years, it'd be a little like constantly reminding them that they used to shit their pants on a regular basis.

Protests based on a misinterpretation of a speech from 21 years ago which she’s since repudiated, as opposed to protesting people who are the actual problem. OK then.

Oh man. I’m so sorry for your loss. I totally connect with your worry too.

I can speak to this because I lost my first baby to SIDS at 3 1/2 months in 1976. Back then, you always put your baby to sleep on his/her stomach so they wouldn’t strangle on vomit. My baby was with a babysitter; I had gone back to work 2 weeks before she died. I don’t know if she was lying on her back or stomach. I

As a parent, there is literally nothing more bullshit than the “you’re not a parent, you can’t know [INSERT HERE].” My blood pressure spikes the instant that those words are uttered/written.

i have used this too many times this week

I love how pizza is every politician’s downfall.

I really do feel for her. It’s a little strange, having this sympathy for someone who generally is kind of like a distant flea, to me.

Iggy isn’t even relevant in a video about being cheated on by her fiancé. Poor thing.

Meanwhile, behind the scenes:

Oh noes! Embarrassing things happening to boorish people. How will the republic survive?


Raising children is inexplicitly hard. Imagine how hard it must be to have all these burdens AND have your children live with you full-time as a single parent. I’d love to read an article by your ex to hear about her trials as a single mother raising 3 children on one income, how she manages childcare issues, making

No I saw that too but that’s like two things. You telling me the ONLY non-writing jobs he could get was UPS or pot farming? If true, then fine I guess. But that’s not what he says. He doesn’t say he’s been sending out 50 resumes a week to regular jobs and can’t get hired. He just mentions writing and these two random

I’m probably being a huge asshole but I have trouble understanding how the non-custodial parents not paying child support are the victims here.

PJCore for life.

This makes me so glad my dad was completely disturbed by the idea of me and my now husband banging in his house (my mom wanted to set up some kind of weird baby making room the night of our wedding (she really wants grandkids)). Everyone but my mom was completely uncomfortable in this exchange.

On the plus side, if he were president he’d never take the time to do any of the stupid shit he’s promised.

Not that that would ever happen.

This would be quite effective were it not for the fact that “women: you have to treat them like sh*t” is the subtext for the entire Republican party.

My son, then 16, was in Europe with his history class 3 years ago. They were in Paris, just hanging, when someone approached them, saying in a sing-song voice, “I love Par-ee!” Aidan, who had no idea at the time who Richard Simmons was, thought this was just some homeless guy approaching them, so (because he fully