
Is any romantic workplace relationship wrong and if not, who is supposed to take the first step and how?

Compliment. COMPLIMENT. Time to whip out, once again, the hard and fast rule for guys to follow: IF YOU WOULDN’T DO IT TO A MAN DON’T DO IT TO A WOMAN.

If you’re stupid enough to ask such a dumb question, the answer for you is no, because you’ve demonstrated that you have the social IQ of a grapefruit and would be incapable of doing it respectfully. Men who think “don’t ask your coworkers out” is a reasonable guideline for the sake of making women feel safe at work

Once when I was in my late 20s, a guy was so scary and persistent, I had to finally tell him my husband was a two-time Purple Heart decorated veteran highly trained in hand to hand combat and in the men’s room at this moment (all true, except he was at home). The guy himself was a vet, and he IMMEDIATELY stopped

Yes, that kind of thing is just a shining example of how women are never really considered people to some men.

Added to that is that you can’t transfer your project, so anyone who changes labs is essentially starting their PhD work from scratch.


Holy shit. I understand 100% why you didn’t call the police, but that was completely an illegal act of assault and for HR to not doing anything about it was fucking shameful.

Spilling feelings is the Nice Guy version of an unsolicited dick pic.

Or the “Oh, just find another job”. Not how science works guys (not how any job works really, but science especially).

Yeah as I mentioned above, I know women in SO MANY different industries who left because of sexual harassment. I know we’re talking about STEM here, because people are always so curious as to why more women aren’t in STEM (and it’s wonderful to have the some workable data here), but man it’s just so hard to get

That sounds exhausting. Why do men get to spill their feelings all over women? It's work. Let it just be work.

The comments on the NYTimes article are stomach churning. “IT’S A COMPLIMENT” “Why doesn’t she just say no?” “Women sleep their way to the top all the time!” “Pretend you have a boyfriend and they’ll leave you alone”

here for it. their battery line is amazing (lol but it really is!!)

“they’re making it really easy for irritated publishing folks to write dystopias where The Everything Store constitutes the entire economy.”

It won’t be the only thing they remember, Amanda. My husband died in 2009. He was a writer, a historian, a genealogist, and a storyteller. He was much beloved in his community. He lived for 3 years after his diagnosis. The last year was pretty tough - but that isn’t what people remember. They remember the stories he

I hope you have and maintain all the dignity you want right now.

I’m sorry. I sincerely hope you recover.

As someone who has been battling stage IV cancer since May of 2015, I can say it has been really difficult to see the progression of the disease and death of this woman. I have a no sharing policy with my husband and father about my situation, other than the basics. No pictures, blog, long Facebook updates. I’ve also