
It is NOT just you. She's been so great this season and her funny sexual aggression (not sure if that's quite the right word, but that peppermint patty line was delivered with gusto!) towards Colin Jost during her Update segments is hilarious. I loved the bit over the weekend...have you ever been called a bitch by

I met Miss Cho when I was at Korean Air a couple years back. You could tell she was very proud of the food and service on Korean Air and took their reputation very seriously. So this doesn't really surprise me.

Is it just me, or does Leslie Jones steal the scene in every sketch?

yup. My grandmother had these cement lawn ornaments that were of life size deer. She would always yell at us saying "you kids stay off those deer, you'll break them. and if that happen's you'll get it". Now my grandmother was the type to come after you and spank you, but we still would hurry to get on the deer the

Didn't try this when my kids were younger but I did used to send them to their rooms when they were driving me nuts by constantly bickering saying they were not allowed to talk with each other at all or they'd get into more trouble. Usually they'd be playing very very quietly together less than 5 minutes later

Neither group played with the toys while the researchers were away


Just in time for the holidays "Mulled Sizzurp"

1990's lipstick.

Okay. So, Tampona it is.



This guy is gonna love being dead.

Meh. I expected worse

I swear to GOD if I ever found out my (actual) son had done something like this his life wouldn't be worth living for about two years.

She is the BEST. I hope more women start doing this.

Glad the mother was horrified instead of making some cliched remark about boys being boys or just kidding. Or turned into scary momma bear and how dare someone call out her snowflake.

My friend was sexually assaulted at a college party one night, so her boyfriend found the guy's home phone number and called his mother in the middle of dinner to tell him what he had done.

You had never seen a person repent so fast before.