
I said in the Gawker thread I wouldn't watch but I couldn't help myself. Now I wish I had stuck to my original intent. That press conference by McCulloch was one of the most condescending, maddening things I've seen/heard in a long time. I knew an indictment wasn't coming, but this DA is infuriating and unqualified

Heh. The only person I know that could fit into this is my mother. I should show this to her and hint that she and my father should renew their vows for their 47th anniversary. Surely a 95-pound woman can handle a 400-pound dress—after all, she won't have to actually WALK down the aisle...she can float!

Oh god oh god, please nobody show this to my extended family!

Yeah. It is baffling. If you know nothing of firearm safety, with all the accidents that happen with guns you should KNOW to not treat it like a toy. It makes no sense.

It terrifies me that people who are scared and not careful are the ones who are buying up guns in St Louis and the surrounding areas.

Proof, again, that we shouldn't be giving guns to people who aren't trained to use them. (And I'm not talking about the lame "gun safety" courses most states have in a classroom, though that's a good start... but real hands-on training.) At least in this case, we didn't lose an innocent bystander in the accident.

Sympathy is hard coming for those that treat their firearms like a fucking toy. There are no winners in this scenario.

I said Emma Carmichael was being "concern-trollish" by reacting to Hayden Panettiere's pregnant picture with "that looks uncomfortable," and for adding that this is what happens when the site is taken over by a "young" person. Not super nice of me, I agree. So I got the grays.

Apparently there are pre-'shopped photos for everything on the Internet.

It's so disgusting and so satisfying!

Ugh, same. Wait, can it be a fetish if it's not sexual? Because it's not sexual for me but it is so super satisfying.

zit popping, my most embarrassing, horrible fetish.

Evidence for sexual assault would be a lot easier to obtain if law enforcement bothered to investigate it. I mean right here in front of our very faces we have a 2-year-old with an STD and that's called "insufficient evidence."

In one case detailed in the report, a two-year-old who tested positive for an STD in the emergency room after an alleged sexual assault had their case handled by a detective who wrote that the toddler "did not disclose any information that would warrant a criminal investigation." The case was closed, "due to a lack of

I do not have the emotional fortitude to stay with a serial philanderer, but I like to think if I did, I'd handle it Anjelica style.

I've always known I liked her. Now I have reasons.

I also know they leave the house and meet for drinks and no one is asking them if they are a table of "dads on the loose," and to my knowledge, there is no "Daddy Juice" Wine.

It is when you're in your mid 30s and your 65 year old mother asks you "Do you need your mommy to come over" when you're sick. That shit creeps me out. I think she read I love you Forever one too many times.

Taylor's been paying attention to her Karlie Kloss lessons.

Agreed...there's just not a single thing wrong with any of her looks in this video. Just perfection.

I know that when it's YOUR music video, you're supposed to look perfect, but damn, Taylor, for raising the "perfect" game. (How do you get your lips to do that?)