
I am going to be the worst possible "Gambit"

Sooo you're looking for volunteers??

Dear Miss. Knightley: You are the first female celebrity who has little if no body modifications at all and I LOOK LIKE YOU. (Or you look like me — I'm older. I had the body of a 14-year-old boy before you did. :-)) Thank you for representing beautiful, perky little itty bitties unapologetically.


More like symbiosis.

In the Hippocratic Corpus (Epidemics 5.25 to be precise), there is a testament of a case where a woman in her late life "gave birth" to a stone after eating an abundance of leeks. I believe Aristotle also has opinions about whether "the mola" (as these pregnancies were sometimes known) actually exist or not. So there

Ok, when all of the authors I love were leaving en masse I have to admit I thought it might be the end of my Jezebel reading days and I was really, really sad. Though I still have concerns about the way internal promotions are handled - I fucking miss Dodie so I'm not really over that yet - I do feel that Jez's new

"In ancient Greek mythology, after the great flood, Deucalion and Pyrrha repopulated the world by scattering stones throughout the earth. From these stones emerged people; from these people grew the world. It's a myth, but its opposite is possible"

Who's to say that's a myth? I think Stone Scatter People Theory should

I still want this shirt. GIVE ME THIS SHIRT (sized for my 30-something-had-some-kids body).

Absolutely! For the most part, the kids I know that are insane in public are the ones whose parents keep them at home, or only take them to the loud, kid-friendly restaurants. The well-behaved children have been going out since they were infants.

I was one of those well behaved kids in nice restaurants. I sat and entertained myself quietly, enjoying the food on the adult menu. I think it was a good experience for me, and it made me learn how to behave appropriately at an early age. Of course, I was an only child, and quite quiet and shy. I remember restaurants

That too. I find it strange that people get bent out of shape when they see a baby or toddler on a plane or something like that. How exactly are kids supposed to be socialized if they are staying at home all the time?

Brunch where I live is also a family thing, after church crowds, very little drinking, but apparently elsewhere it has evolved into something entirely different that's an adult drinking event that seems pretty baby-unfriendly.

It totally depends on the parent. I have girlfriends who bring their babies to brunch, keep them quiet and fed, and then carry on conversations and drinking as if the baby is not there. That's totally cool! I'll stare at your baby and even help burp it as long as I can drink my mimosa and curse like a sailor.

I think it just depends on the baby. We have friends that bring their kid to brunch with us all the time and he never makes a peep. Granted, we tend to schedule brunch around his nap time, but seriously, the kid sits in his chair and sleeps the whole time. There's been times I've completely forgotten he was even

My friends with babies go to brunch during actual breakfast time, before the rush, at like 8am. I went with them once, it was such a different Sunday morning scene. Actually sort of calm and efficient, with all young families, screamers were taken outside and all tipped pretty well. I always thought that was ok...?



I love that they take turns being Kim or Kanye!

"They were men and women who were discriminated against"