
I worked from home for 3 years and lived in cutesy athletic gear but just thought that the price point was too high. (I also lived very close to horny toad, nau, and patagonia outlets, so there is that....) I really like Gap's exercise clothes, actually.

Wait..... people buy stuff from Athleta?

I did get sick of all the "real talk" when I was pregnant b/c it never really came with a way to navigate around or through the horrible thing they were warning me about. I appreciated it when it was helpful like "XYZ horrible thing will happen but then you do THIS." or "XYZ will completely freak you out but don't

Well, broken marriage, not engagement.... But I sold the wedding band on Craigslist and had the diamonds set into stud earrings and a pendant. I call them my f*ck you diamonds.

OMG. You can cook and still be a feminist, dammit!

I'm left handed and almost oddly hold my baby (now toddler, I guess) to the right or on my right hip. I feel like such a freak now!

I will totally admit to wearing Thieves oil very frequently- b/c it smells awesome. And I'm sick all the time anyway!

yes ma'am!! Once my adorable baby boy is old enough to be a little Shit I definitely want to know if he's trolling ladies!

True. It's all speculation that's rather beside the point of the article- although it definitely mirrors what happens when someone gets divorced!

Really? Because the length of time it took me to see the light is something I've beaten myself up over for a very long time. Over-analyzing my past looking for little clues that I should have put together, etc.... and just generally feeling like a fucking idiot.

Yes. My divorce felt like death. I mourned my relationship- I mourned the loss of the person I thought I'd married, I mourned the loss of his lovely family, and I mourned the loss of the plans we'd made for our future. I mourned the baby I would never have (we'd been talking about starting a family.) And I felt in a

When I went through this, one of my friends who didn't know what to say sent me flowers. It really meant a lot to me and felt like a very kind way to reach out.

And she may very well have found out something like that. I did- that's why I left my marriage. Does it make it somehow better that the sicko I married pulled the wool over my eyes through 4 years of dating and 3 of marriage?

I divorced at 25 while in graduate school as well. It was absolutely the best decision I could have made but definitely the most painful one. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

This is exactly what not to say.

. No matter how you feel about guns- if you encounter one, even if you unload it yourself, even if it's a freaking BB gun- assume that it is full of bullets and only EVER point it at things you'd like to shoot. So, ideally, the ground. A target if you are in the proper environment for that. Not yourself, not a fellow

I was using cornstarch mixed with a little cinnamon as a dry shampoo in the morning (more to make my hair look fuller than to keep it clean) and I feel like after about a month my hair was just *too* dry and looking kind of damaged as a result. So this is interesting to me!

I remember loving Kissyfur!

OH MY GOD. My mother makes that gelatin salad for every holiday. It is the stuff of nightmares.

in working on the theory that kids behave poorly in New situations because they are overwhelmed and because they haven't had proper behavior modeled for them. So far it works for my kid, but who knows. He's remarkably even tempered, hasn't hit the terrible two's, and and generally behaves better when hrs not at home