
And here I thought airplane seats were gross enough when you *are* wearing pants.

Dodai, that dress is amazing!

You know what, she looks great. It makes me happy to see her this way!

I feel his pain b/c when I don't get to eat I am the worst person in the world. However, it didn't take me long to learn to carry some damn food around with me. Granola, nuts, dried fruit, power bars, peanut butter packs....

That feeling, that "I lost weight and good things happened" feeling is so dangerous. Especially in a life situation in which you feel you have no control.....

@Breamworthy: Didn't new guidelines come out recently saying that if you are obese (and depending on your weight) it's suggested to gain minimal or no weight during pregnancy? I seem to recall reading that somewhere...

So this is totally an anecdote but my mom gained 60 lbs. with both myself and my younger brother. I was like 7 lbs. 80z. and my brother was 9 lbs. 2 oz. He's now obese (and has been heavy since he was a pre-teen) and I have never been overweight. But if you think about it, Mom gained more non-baby weight with me

@stella.bella: I love a flowy shirt that has a band at the bottom, so it comes back in and doesn't make my waist look big.

@WantToTouchtheWahine: Yeah, whenever I gain weight, the first place it goes is my boobs. But when I lose weight, it doesn't leave my boobs. I end up looking pretty disproportionate.

I have always wanted smaller boobs. Back when I was a B cup, I was comfortable with my boobs but wouldn't have minded smaller ones, and now that I'm a D, I long for the days in which I could wear a button-down shirt.

@RudyWaltz: It's not so much that I care that my nips are showing, I just don't like being stared at. Hence the padding. Though in all fairness it's kind of a stop gap measure. I could poke through a wool coat when I'm cold.

@alula: This is so true for me. I'm not *that* old, but I have to maintain at a size up from what I was in college because if I don't, my chest and hands look really really bony. I'm sure my face is next.

@Vivi21: Oh my gosh I live on Greek Yogurt!! It's expensive but it's so worth it!

@archaeo_girl: I did take my last year of grad school as my one opportunity to dye the underside of my hair pink! It went back to a "normal" color prior to my job interviews though.

@katedaysaweek: If you can afford it, maybe invest in a pair of Keen's, Clarks, or Merrells? (These can occasionally be found cheaply online or in TJ Maxx type stores.)

@onthecornerofparkerandwoolf: Haha the worst male grad student we had would wear gym shorts and t-shirts with the sleeves cut off, which would have been bad enough without the fact that he had hairy shoulders that he shaved sporadically. To ask him for help with my homework was to stare helplessly at shoulder stubble.

When I was in college, I wore really big sorority t-shirts and jeans with a sweatshirt or anorak tied around my waist. So clearly, I needed to step it up for grad school.

@paperispatient: I think people were pushed to their breaking point dealing with more stress and uncertainty and loss of their stuff in a lot of cases and just couldn't be good spouses to each other.