
@Zulkey: This is exactly what I wear at home, although part of my motivation to do so is that my live in then boyfriend, now fiance, asked me very nicely to wear something in which he could see my figure. Prior to this, I was wearing scrub pants and men's XL T-shirts (despite being a very petite lady). I still wear my

@Gretchen: My dad convinced two of my mom's cousin's kids (who were visiting and wondering what to call him) to refer to him as "your majesty" when they were little.

@monkey_biz: My cat has decided that my giving him a bite of my yogurt and my drying my hair in the morning are connected- so whenever I go in the bathroom, he starts biting my feet b/c he's eager to get his yogurt.

I am a girl, but I definitely went through the "everything is a double entendre stage." It lasted well into college, as I recall.

Okay I seriously need a swinging, pillow laden nap couch. Make it so.

@CurtCole: I don't think that being a born-again virgin necessarily makes you an extremist. I think it makes you an idealist, but in some parts of the country- it's pretty common.

I write like David Foster Wallace, apparently.

@luxylux: I agree. I liked the first verse of that song and then I just felt more and more disturbed as it went on. At the end my only thought was "why is this on the radio?"

I can't really read romance novels b/c my Mom reads romance novels and it squicks me out when she says they're "steamy."

@bklyn155: Seriously! I was about 12 when I stole one of my mom's books about a a Spanish maiden in the new world being kidnapped and of course raped by an Indian Chief and of course like right after he raped her, she wanted to have sex with him again, etc....

@didntmeanto: The best I've found are Silver Jeans. They're usually around $70 (when not on sale) and they aren't perfect, but they work the best on me. I also have a pair of BR skinny jeans that are one size too large, but fit me if I wash them between wears. I got them for $15 at the thrift score, so they are the

@special_boots: My rule of thumb is that once you start taking vacations together, you can link up via relationship status on facebook b/c people are going to be really confused by your photo albums otherwise. But only if neither you nor your partner is a drama queen/king. :)

I loved this! My little brother just posted a "lifeeee" album and keeps updating his status to talk about how much he loves his on again off again girlfriend (who doesn't even have a facebook page). All I can think is that these things are going to be pretty awkward the next time he breaks up with her and goes

@Phyllis Nefler: Old Navy jeans stretch like nobodies business on me.

You know, jeans in the 90's (prior to low rise) never bothered me, but now of course, those jeans just look dated. But although waists have risen a little, they still sit squarely where I carry any extra body fat and create an unsightly line. I have a standard waist but narrow hips, so anything that isn't horribly

@sybann: I'm with you. DEET does nothing for me.

@shellybean: And yes, I eat tons of garlic as a matter of taste and take B vitamins every day. :(

The best way to not get bitten by mosquitoes is to hang around me. They unfailingly bite me and leave everyone I'm with alone b/c I'm apparently delectable.

@westendgirl: Haha, I feel like the vast majority of my wardrobe is "versatile" unfortunately.

My friends and I went to a party thrown by a member of our book club. I was tired and left early, but by doing so, I missed the guy who came up to the rest of my friends and said "Oh, you're the book club! I've been meaning to ask you a question- how do you feel about bestiality?"