
It's sad that I've been craving red wine and ice cream simultaneously all week- to the point where I've had to stop myself and say "No. There is no possible way to combine the two!"

@SomeAuthorGirl: I feel you. Choosing to leave my ex-husband was the best decision I've ever made, but it took me a long time to attend the weddings of other people without feeling incredibly upset that I'd "failed."

@MissMollyKate: Haha the guy did look kind of like that. Subtract the facial hair and add really ugly polarized sunglasses and you'll have a good mental image.

Oh, I have another one!

In high school, I got into a stupid argument with my friend's boyfriend who proceeded to make me cry. One of the guys at the party where this took place was college aged (and a "youth counselor" for my youth group that summer to boot) and said "If I make out with you, will you stop crying?"

Cool, mine went from 191 to 180. Works for me! (Although I doubt I ever get my heart rate past 180 when I workout anyway- 191 is *high.*

I didn't go. It was going to be at a lakehouse in July, for one thing, and I was sure as shit not going to wear a swimsuit to my 10 year reunion.

Is that a speedo tan line?

Wow. I have an almost pathological fear of the line formed against my stomach by my's kind of amazing to see that it's there even on the *very* thin model in the picture on the left. I tend to think I'm fairly aware that things are photoshopped, but it just hit me how that line is consistently edited out,

@dyskrasiaeychi: I suspect, based on my dog's decision to promptly bite me when I was doing yoga at home and resting in Savasana (Corpse Pose) that my dogs will eat me too. Or at least the parts of me the cats don't get too first.

So as for the Lenny Kravitz thing, they were talking about it on the radio this morning- the dad of one of the kids wrote in to the station. The story on the radio was that he was just down in the quarter and heard the kids (from a local church choir) singing Fly Away and decided to join in. Pretty cool!

And I thought my brother's facebook page was TMI and emo...

@Tart of Darkness: Even better b/c that's the picture you have to click on to get to the maternity section from the women's page. The visibly not pregnant woman.

I didn't realize that Nordstroms was such a serial photoshopper. Now I'm having fun looking through their site and mocking it. The best is definitely this "maternity shirt" where the model has been (poorly) photoshopped to the point of not looking pregnant at all. Also the outer lines of her image a total mess.

@missheidilynn: Seriously. I definitely couldn't wear something that tight to work- and polos are made for casual Fridays.

@lavenderstain: It is so frustrating! I thought the point of showing clothes on models on shopping websites was so one would have an indication of how the clothes fit!

@Joshua Wentz: I agree! It's made me more aware of it when I look at clothes online (which makes me feel better when the clothes look nothing like their online appearance in person- see BCBG).

Can someone tell me why the Telegraph needed to twice mention that the dead man drove a BMW?

@SamIam24: Unless you want to spend your summer catching crabs.