
@HannahBethD: Do you have a Bath Junkie in your part of South Mississippi? (I think there used to be one in the Biloxi Mall.)

I wear summer weight clothes but stick to a very subdued color palate, like black and white, or navy and tan.

@Nimnyn: Yeah they just want to think they have that much control over their kids. My dad always told my brother he'd kick him out and never help him again if he got a tattoo. My brother got a tattoo. My parents found out about a year later (b/c threatening your kids just give you kids who are sneaky) and exactly

I really like the *idea* of tattoos and I like them on other people. However, I am the kind of person who can't commit to a hairstyle or color and may love my outfit in the morning but hate it by lunch time- so I think I'm not a good candidate for permanent body art.

@knyne: My dad says stuff like that. Like "Just think how it's gonna look on your butt when you're 80 years old and fat."

@hollygirl: I hate vending machines!! Sometimes I get stuck without enough snacks at work and I just look at the machine to see if there is anything there with an ounce of nutrition....once in a blue moon, there are pistachios. But generally it's all bear claws and cheetos. Gross!

@pantsless: They also hate ribs. My wonderful Sophia dress fits my boobs, but for some reason hates to zip up over my rib cage.

@sweet_darlin: I am anti-romper because I like to keep my top on when I have to pee. :)

I really thought about ordering a wedding dress from J Crew until I realized the two I liked were made for people with no boobs. I'm glad someone else has taken notice of J. Crew's vast conspiracy against those of us with cleavage!

I want to have a baby, but if I never do, my life will still have been a good one.

I have a kind of weird hair situation going on. My hair is straight when it's dry, but curly when it's wet. (And both my grandmother and mother started out with straight hair that turned curly when they got older- my grandmother at 13 and my mom at 40- so I think it's part of the transition.) Also, my hair used to be

@RenoMartini: As I've gotten older, my hair has changed from your hair into something much more manageable and drier- so maybe you'll grow out of it. However, I have another tip- dye the fuck out of it. My hair also became much much easier to deal with and in need of a lot less shampoo when I went from brunette to

Swimsuits are so evil! However, I have found a solution that works for me....swimsuits tend to be less flattering on me than regular clothes and underwear because they have tight elastic bands that dig into my ski. Well, cheapo swimsuits come with cheapo elastic that isn't so tight- which is why swimsuits from places

@nora charles: That is a good point. I guess one person's moderate exercise is another's active recovery (b/c I think walking is a great thing to do on a rest day to stretch out your legs). I still think it puts undo pressure on people to tell them to exercise 7 days a week. Either they'll go overboard and hurt

@bluebears: Yeah, I think starting out, I worked out 7 days a week b/c I wasn't able to work out that hard. Then my nutritionist yelled at me- haha. And ultimately, my workouts became more strenuous and I didn't need to work out as often because I worked out with much more intensity. I find 4 days a week to be the

@CynicalPink: I think it's not unusual to feel that way about the gym. I really prefer yoga/pilates classes and running outside because I feel a lot less judged. The gym is kind of my back up plan for when I can't do that stuff but want to squeeze in a workout. I find that having a workout buddy really helps take your

@bluebears: I agree with this. I exercise for the endorphins (I'm a giant cranky pants when I can't work up a good sweat a few times a week). And while my clothes fit quite nicely, I could maintain my weight if I didn't exercise as much as I do. I have to eat a *ton* of food to support my workouts and maintain my