
@SouthernSatine: I miss her old face. I even miss her second face. Her new face really doesn't match her voice and the disconnect is kind of disturbing.

I've found the best way to get *anyone* to call you is to start brushing your teeth. The universe sees all and is just waiting to fuck with you. :P

@nourbatta: I believe that. I used to get really bad diarrhea when I traveled to a particular town in Tx (my ex lived there) and eventually, I realized that it was the water! Once I stopped drinking the water there (and stuck to bottled water) I was fine. I read up on it and I think the problem was that water from

@Glaven: Hahaha I'd tell that joke to my Ohioan boyfriend, but then I'd probably have to sleep on the couch. :)

@Kitten is an 80s rocker: I love green monster smoothies!!! It's like drinking a salad- but in a good, delicious way!

I'm divorced, so I'm looking at some unfavorable marriage success statistics anyway. Isn't it great the my ex not only fucked up our marriage, but also fucked up the statistical chances of my staying married to someone else in the future? *headdesk*

@suck_it_monkeys: It's sad that the posts about bodily functions are my favorites, isn't it?

@sweethickory: Chia seeds supposedly have the pipe cleaning effect too. My favorite way to eat them is to soak 1 T chia seeds in 4 T almond milk in the fridge for 10 min. (they gel up) Then mix in 1 T unsweetened cocoa powder, agave nectar to taste, and top with walnuts. It's healthy chocolate pudding!

I feel like most of the things I do keep me regular so they are of a more preventative nature:

@Oface: Sushi does it for me too!

I'm glad she is documenting her abortion on the internet because I think it is good to talk about what it really feels like. However, I tried to read it yesterday and it was really difficult. I didn't manage to go all the way back to the beginning to actually read about her symptoms for the most part because there

@sanyucat: I think that given her behavior and things that she has said along with the 1300 calories (plus the fact that she has a rule for it), it is likely that she has a problem. It may be a matter of disordered eating more than a recognized eating disorder, But I think her behavior is problematic.

@andBegorrah: Yeah and height and weight are really not the only indications of how many calories you can take in. That's something that also varies quite a bit with metabolism and activity levels. I wouldn't eat as much as someone training for a marathon, even if we had the same height and weigh, for example.

@sanyucat: That's really low for most people. Most adult women need 1500-1800 calories/day and that's at a low activity level. In fact, a common criticism with a lot of the 1200 calorie/day diets is that they are to low to realistically follow for a long period of time.

I love a teeny wedding like nobodies business,but at the same time, I am somewhat against this article because I believe that money doesn't buy happiness. I think that spending money on experiences rather than things is money well spent because good experiences lead more directly to happiness than a big ole house. So

@ZippyTheLangostine: Me too! When I was eating sugary snacks regularly, I craved them all the time and constantly felt like crap. Eating them didn't make me feel better and after a while it didn't even cut the cravings- I wanted more sugar even when I was full of sugary stuff! Sugar is definitely an addiction!