
@Lampdevil: Exactly, when I choose to have a sweet, it's a) something that I know I'm going to love and b) all the better for being a special treat instead of an every day thing!

@rixatrix: I eat greek yogurt with blackberries, honey, and granola almost every morning. Nothing like starting my day off with a big bowl of the most delicious stuff ever!

@rixatrix: I've heard that stuff is really good mixed into greek yogurt (which of course adds the fat back in.)

@Dita Dimoné: I think that's a pretty good way to *diet* especially with the high fiber, but once you are in maintainance mode, you need fat to live. The key with fat (like with carbs: a sweet potato is not the same as a donut but some carb-phobic people act like it!) is choosing good fats. Nut butters (especially

I am not overweight, so I can't speak precisely to the experience of being overweight.

@Morbidda Destiny: I'm going to adopt the phrase "special snowflake ladybits." Much nicer than my current "oh god why are you allergic to everything stupid vagina."

@amowls: My med school fiance told me that in his classes they said that e coli is a really common bacteria to find when someone has a UTI.

@Her Grace: Nerdfighter!: I used the 1 day egg thing and woke up a few hours later in the worst pain of my life. I had to dig out what was left of the egg, wash myself as best I could, and I had to put a baggie of ice between my legs to get comfortable because I was in so much pain!

@missdelite: In all fairness Candida is a different strain of yeast than the yeast in bread. But I have heard from a lot of sources that changing diet helps. I think the bread problem is more that it is a carb than that it has yeast.

@girl.of.your.dreams: I switched pills and mine seemed to clear up. Of course, I also started sleeping with no underwear, being more religious about eating yogurt every day, and (excuse the TMI) drying myself off with a blowdryer set on cool after I showered- so I can't definitively say that just one factor helped

@torisaurs: I got it. I didn't experience any bad side effects except for the fact that getting the actual shot *hurts* more than most shots. It's not a lasting soreness like a tetanus shot (which makes me feel like I have a sprained arm for days) but it stings to the point where I said "Ouch Ouch Ouch!" outloud when

@beetlemier: I split the difference and go for the three day. The one time I went for the 1 day, I had a horrible allergic rxn to it. The three day hurts, but it bearable. And regardless of how many days your monistat dose is, you still clear up in 3-7 days.

@tewkesbury: I agree but you could say this about a LOT of OTC medicine. Tylenol springs immediately to mind. And I've had to go to the hospital thanks to a combination of Afrin and Benadryl in the past.

@TheUptightMidwestern...: I want your Dr!

I couldn't agree with you more! It drives me nuts that I can't be trusted to go to the pharmacy and get some damn diflucan when I need it!

@mbot says Spock yeah!: My hypothesis is that she doesn't realize how crappy she's making herself look...

Even in the article Lori wrote, I really felt like she wasn't good enough for Tim and that he sounded like a nice guy who shouldn't put up with her being crappy to him. She totally failed at making him look bad or at making herself look good. I'm glad Jezebel gave him a chance to tell his side of the story- it must be

"Why would a woman so obviously smart, well-educated, successful and attractive allow herself to be treated so badly for so long?"

The dress was gorgeous and armit hair or not, I thought she looked really pretty. My only issue with her was the whole taking her clothes off on the red carpet thing- but she explained that on her blog so that even makes a little more sense now. I admit I was judging her a bit for that when the pictures came out....