
@willwriteforfood: My fiance and I envy Tim Burton and Helena Bonham Carter b/c they have two houses that are connected by a single room.

@jinxedluck: Indeed I do! Some of my happiest moments have been spent sitting on my couch watching Netflix all by myself. :)

@erinavery: Take it from the girl who got married at 21. LOTS of them will be divorced by their mid-20's.

@CoalMineCanary: I know how you feel. I love my guy and I have nothing against falling in love, but oh how I need my alone time! Fortunately, we both think spending time in opposite ends of the house is normal- epecially since we do sit at the table and have dinner together beforehand. :)

@whynotshesaid: That's exactly how I feel. I think it's ridiculous for her to try to speak about the experiences of divorced women. Clearly she has an idealized view of marriage- I guess in her mind marriage is always a good thing and it doesn't occur to her that a marriage can also potentially be the worst thing

First of all, after my divorce, I was no longer in contact with my divorce lawyer. Therefore I would be skeptical of the idea that a divorce lawyer has a lot of insight into what happens to people after their divorce is finalized.

Regarding jealousy- I was with an ex who claimed (and as far as I can tell, was) 100% free of jealousy. I had tons of guy friends and it was never a problem even though at times we had a long distance relationship. I also never cheated on my ex.

@bitchyolympian: I agree. I thought she made a very good point about the "monster" behavior. If he's a monster, then he can't help himself or behave like a person. Recognizing himself as a deeply flawed *person* is a more difficult and more important step.

@honkytonk: I thought that was Juan's!

@yinyang: Personally, I take the folic acid. I'm 28 too. I don't want a baby yet but I'm at a place in my life where I would keep it if I became pregnant and folic acid is SO important to prevent spina bifida. Plus it's a lot easier than never drinking ever in case I'm unknowingly pregnant. And B-vitamins make you

@yvanehtnioj: Haha when I have a pregnancy scare my need for a glass of wine is what eventually makes me decided to go buy a test. (And as a bonus, pick up some wine on the way home.)

@jezebelian: I actually recently read a study linking bullying to future mental and physical illness. I'm not trying to argue whether or not Phoebe's condition was pre-existing, but I would like to point out that being bullied can drive you down the path to mental illness.

@shellsbells: Yeah my parents were of the opinion that the bullying shouldn't matter to me b/c those kids were assholes and who care's what assholes think. They didn't understand that I had no power to free myself from dealing with those people every day and were completely unwilling to free me, even though they

@gargle: Thanks so much! I read and wrote a lot too to get through my loneliness.

@amyreads: Thanks. Happily, in college and the years after, I have been lucky enough to make some wonderful friends. I'm also friends with several of girls from the Elementary school I went to.

@jenny_dreadful: I agree. I think that bullies should not be allowed to do things that would have serious consequences in adult life just b/c they are in school. If someone threw a drink bottle at you at work, they would have serious repercussions in your workplace and perhaps legally as well. Why isn't that the case

I actually harbor a lot of anger towards my parents b/c of my middle school and high school experience. I liked my elementary school, but for some reason, my parents thought that I sh0uld switch schools for middle school and high school. (I think they thought I needed a more challenging curriculum, but I don't think

@sybann: I was definitely the "old soul" type kid and I was severely bullied.

@NellGwyn: Are your partner and I related? :P