
I caught part of this show last night. I definitely hated Barry but I thought Charisse was pretty awesome. :)

@Zombie Ms. Skittles: My teabagger (aka dad) is stockpiling food for when the economy collapses. He also seems to think that airplane bottles of vodka will become a good commodity to use in the bartering system that will result from the economic collapse. At least my relatives are interesting.

Now we know where Mr. Hanky goes after Christmas is over.

@clockwise - counter: Only when it's convenient for them to use God as a reason for their attitudes towards abortion and gay marriage.

My experience with tea-baggers in my immediate family leads me to define tea baggers at angry white Southern men who nominally associate themselves with libertarianism, as long as said liberties are only provided to other angry white Southern men. The are not religious except when they can use religion to exempt other

@charliekohler: I'm like that too. But I don't feel it unless it's *too* low.

@foodandshoes: Ew! Thanks for reminding me of the time I had a piece of a condom come out. Talk about nerve wracking!

@traezer: I can if I bear down even the slightest bit, which bugs me and makes me have to change my tampon every time I pee.

I feel like Jessica Simpson has overshot sexyface and gone straight to "I can't breathe through my nose does anyone have a tissue?"face.

I always drop the boyfriend bomb early in conversation. The way I look at it, if I a guy wants to hang out with me platonically, he won't care that I have a boyfriend. And if he's only looking for a romantic partner, I feel like it's more ethical not to waste his time.

@MerryLilly: I don't read the actual magazine, but I like some of the training plans on Runner's World's website.

Never ever ever reading ladies magazines, be they "fashion" or "fitness" mags, was pretty much the first thing I learned on my way to recovering from my eating disorder. Now, I eat right and exercise because it makes me feel good and because I want to be a kick-ass old lady some day.

But wedgies, apparently, are forever.

@merely_a_muse: Insert the annoyingly ubiquitous "santa stops at 3 ho's" joke that's been traveling around here________

@Faster.Pussycat: I agree. While I do not think that pornography is "sinful," I have had a marriage end basically due to my ex having an addiction to internet sex. His sexual disinterest in me had nothing to do with any of my physical attributes, it had to do with his obsession (which I believe was brought about by

@SocialAnimal: I am petite (though not extremely petite- I can go back and forth between the women's and petite section if I don't mind walking the extra length off my pants- but fit is always an issue for me) and I agree with you. I kind of balked at the quoted comment in the article above saying that clothes are

I tend to wear very natural makeup. I wear foundation, blush, mascara, and lipgloss. On special occasions, I may apply a tiny bit of eyeshadow in a neutral color. I have very small features so heavy lipstick and eye makeup are pretty unflattering. I wish I could rock some creative eyeshadow though- I think it looks

I may well be the crazy perfume lady and I don't care. :) I don't think I overdo it, but I do love perfume and while my choices aren't particularly aldehylic (Aldehydes are what I consider to be that "old lady perfume smell" but what some people think of as the "*expensive* perfume smell), I do favor bold, spicy

@morninggloria: I was actually cursed with 2 grandmother's who were lousy cooks! I don't know what was worse- my paternal grandmother's meatloaf (which, thanks to the addition of saltine crackers, resembled nothing so much as dog food) or my maternal grandmother's soggy fried fish.